Friday, June 29, 2012

Now that Obamacare has become Law

I think the most useful and pragmatic approach to Obamacare likely is to view Obamacare much like Medicare and Social Security. For example, bothe medicare and Social Security have been significantly modified from their original form by elected officials on down through time since they were inacted. But, I think Obamacare has to be put in a class similar to Social Security in that everyone will be paying into it unless they are too poor just like Social Security. For example, my wife just told me that our health insurance for my wife and daughter and I is now almost 1400 a month which is much more than the average person can afford to pay and this is with a fairly high deductible. However, I never had private health insurance until the 1990s when I was in my mid 40s and luckily I was okay until I was about 50 when I got a heart virus which was fairly expensive to treat in the end what with heart specialists, angiograms, full electrical heart stimulation tests and what seemed like hundreds of other tests I went through between 1998 and 1999 until I was told I was going to live a long life likely in May 1999.

But, the point here is that I went about 45 or 46 years without health insurance except for a couple of years here and there when I worked for the State of California or for various companies before I had my own businesses.

So, from the point of view of not having health insurance for 45 years and mostly being okay I completely understand many people's point of view of not having health insurance.

But, here is the point I think is the most important in the long run.  We appear to be a very inhumane culture to Europeans and most other evolved cultures on earth who take care of their people medically. In comparison we appear to be barbarians (basically as people who sort of eat their young) by inference. And yes, this does make other nations afraid of us because of this and the fact that almost everyone in the U.S. owns at least one weapon at home and many of these are loaded.

But, is being thought of as a barbaric people who basically eat their young a good thing? I think the answer is "No!" So, Obamacare even though it is not the final solution is a good start at solving some of our countries most grievous humanitarian problems. Like Social Security it will bind our wounds as a nation in more ways than one and make us more feel like one people so in really serious times when we need to actually go to war like we did in World War II maybe people will actually show up to fight for this nation and win once again!

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