Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Consequences of not dealing with ADD

I was listening to this program and they were talking about one of the problems of ADD is that people with one of the 7 types of ADD often don't consider the consequences of their actions short or long term. This appears to be one of the problems in people's lives.

So, something sounds good in the moment but not enough thought is given to what happens next.

So, it is sort of like you and a bunch of friends are standing on the edge of a cliff and one of you jokingly says, "Let's all jump in!" Now, most of the friends are going to start going through possible consequences in their minds and might not jump in like:

Are there rocks at the bottom of this cliff in the water that might kill us?
How warm is the water there?
How about the currents can we survive the currents?
How deep is the water?
How high is the cliff and will we survive the fall to the water?

Can we all swim and is there anywhere we can pull out of the water and get to land
after we hit the water?


However, an ADD person might not even ask any of these questions or not enough of them and just jump.

I am an intuitive so I tend to survive whatever I do even if it was just barely but that's just me.

But, for people who aren't gifted like me many of them are now dead from bad choices of one kind or another.

Whereas I always seem to know what is going to kill me without anyone telling me ever.

Although I really appreciate when people tell me something so I don't die too.

Anyway, this is but one type of example, but it could also be fast cars, fast motorcycles, fast women, alcohol, drugs, bad choices in mates or lovers. Bad choices in friends etc.

And any one of these things can and might kill you if you were ADD.

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