Friday, November 28, 2014

Each of us can Help save the world one blog at a time

People need to hear the truth in order to make good decisions. So, the better research each of us do on any given subject the better bloggers we can be to help the world be better informed on any given subject.

Those of us with the time and the inclination should start a blog around the world if we are so inclined to better help everyone survive these times because they don't look like they are getting easier for most of the world.

When I look around now the only game in town in some ways is the U.S. because the Chinese business engine is being harmed by plummeting property prices and 6.8 trillion in "Ghost Cities" in which no one chooses to live.

So, if you can help the human race survive the next 50 years or so you will be doing everyone of us a favor.

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