Saturday, November 29, 2014

If you look at the world through an Intuitive's eyes

IF you actually look at the world through an intuitives  eyes the question is not, "Will We survive?" Instead the question becomes, "Will ANY of us Survive here on earth?"

This is actually the question most useful.

And looked at this way, we quickly see that it is sort of "One for all and all for One" or we are all gone.

So, only by working together does the human race survive at all.

This is one of the reasons I write this blog because I see this clearly.

It is very easy to get into each of our little worlds of ethnicity or our own city block or little country town.

But, that isn't how the world of humans actually will survive.

Because unless all of us survive none of us survive.

This is the way things are now on earth.

Living in our little ethnicity or group used to work for us.

No more.

Because of things like ISIL, EBOLA, Putin, world economics, dropping price of oil because of ISIL etc.

Thinking like this only leads to extinction of all of us.

People thought like this before World War I and World War II and found this just lead to nukes, 50 million or more people dying or more. And then what came next?

The Cold War with 98 million dead and countless refugees from all the proxy wars worldwide.

Now we have a proxy war in Syria and another proxy war against ISIL that was caused by Syria.

We have Ebola out of control that was caused by Syria and Ukraine and Putin and Iran and Assad so distracting the world that likely Ebola is now endemic to earth like AIDS.

Unless we keep our eye on the chaos all of us are going to perish in this Chaos in a complete apocalypse like most of our ancestors did on Maldek (the asteroid belt planet) before it was blown up by a Thermonuclear war (which was proved by a Soviet Probe in the 1970s). And then repressed by the religions of the world because it didn't agree with their holy books somehow. Never the less billions of humanoids from which we sprang likely perished on Maldek and Mars during that Thermonuclear war.

Do we want this again here this century or next?

IF we don't we have to think Globally to prevent this from occurring once again here on Earth like before on Maldek and Mars.

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