Tuesday, November 21, 2017

If God Chooses you

It's kind of like in the Bible where God usually scares the living Hell out of the prophets as he brings them in line.

This was my experience too between ages 10 and 15 and it also was like this during my whooping cough when the Angels appeared to me and save my life from Whooping cough when I mostly had given up and was dying at that point.

My Grandmother who spoke with a Scottish Brogue and my mother (her daughter) had this saying that they said a lot in the early 1950s of "Let Go and Let God". So now I call this "Going with the Flow" which just means relaxing and letting God live through you in a spontaneous way.

The trick I find is to organize your lives so God has the freedom to move through you in any given moment and I find the best way for this usually is to own your own business so you can choose where and when you are working and also when God needs you you can also go literally anywhere on earth in a moment's notice if you need to as well.

Also, if you are working for God in this way often when you are trained going anywhere in the universe is also possible in any moment to do God's Work and often time and space is altered by these things God wants you to do.

So, in some ways all aspects of your life might appear to be one thing but really you are guided by God 24 hours a day both waking and sleeping like Jesus and the Saints Were too.

By God's Grace

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