Monday, November 27, 2017

Now that we are well above 2 million visits to this site

It is interesting to me what often happens (I believe now) to blog sites over time. IF you are efficient enough in both entertaining yourself as well as interesting enough for people that they want to read at your site, often over time many of your articles go viral. And viral articles is how Blogs become like mine now.

I'm often very surprised which blog articles go viral by the way. It almost is never the article you might think will go viral, even though you have a sense maybe that a lot of people are going to be reading one specific article.

I used to think it was just the title I chose or someone else came up with and maybe this is a part of it in the end. But, either way "SOMETHING" grabs people's attention about specific articles and then send these articles to friends in various ways and the next thing you know 15,000 to 20,000 people have read one article and you often are surprised at which article this is.

Once an article "Goes Viral" then often it can go further viral in the future because it gets automatically listed then often as one of the top ten articles of the last month at the top of my webpage.

From there often it can then go "Super Viral" because it is being seen by so many people and then often winds up on the 10 most read articles of all time at this site to your left.

This article, for example, did a 3 month burst of readers and wound up number 3 on my all time most read articles:
This article didn't take a lot of time to write or compile by the way. So, this is interesting in itself.

But then you have articles like my most read article of all time which is something I compiled mostly after reading a Time magazine article about Drones:
reprint of: Drones very small to large

As you can see it is a reprint of an article I compiled first in 2013. I spent many hours compiling this information by the way so  whole lot of my time was spent on this article which may be one reason this is the most popular article of all time.

But, interestingly enough, it got even more readers the 2nd time I released it than the first time.

So, you really never know what is going to "Take off" as a blogger. But, it's sort of like raising up a flag and not knowing which one people are going to salute.

However, if you see quality information or you compile quality information or if you write about things you care about often other people might care about some or all of the same things you do.

And in this way each one of us can make this world a better place by sharing about useful and important things to make the world a better place than it presently is.

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