Saturday, December 16, 2017

It is somewhat concerning that this UFO stuff is coming out now with Trump in office

The reason for this is there is a well known one world plan to end all governments and to fuse them into one for fighting a fake alien threat. Trump and Putin and Xi would want this one world government where the U.S. democracy was no more. So, watch out for a fake war against aliens that a one world government might try to create during these times.

I was thinking today how this could be done. Likely it would be robots from Putin in Russia or built by China attacking some place masquerading as an alien threat. This would be done by those wanting to end individual governments especially the governments of the U.S. and Europe and Japan and places like India, New Zealand, Canada, Brazil, Australia and the like. So, one or more of these free countries would be attacked by China or Russia while trying to create a world wide alliance in order to create this world war against aliens. Only the robots though made in Russia or China would be masquerading as an alien threat. In the midst of such a world wide panic especially by the religious people around the world would be going ape shit from the aliens. So, watch out for this kind of thing taking place only being fake.

This sort of thing could go on for years but you would know it was fake by the countries being attacked by the so called aliens. They countries attacked by fake aliens would be Europe, the U.S. , Brazil, Japan, India and other free countries. This is how you would know it as fake and mostly a power play for world dominance by China and Russia.

Since Trump is a Putin Puppet this is how this all would likely come down. So, watch out for this!

Here' the thing! Aliens have been coming here since before there were ANY humans or humanoids on earth at all. In fact, it is very likely that we are an alien Ape hybrid ourselves as humans genetically engineered to live here as the slave of aliens way back when.

So, if they actually wanted to attack us they already would. And if they did attack we already lost 10,000 or 100,000 years ago.

So, something like this would be fake and like we use for entertainment but not really the way things actually are at all.

But, most religious people likely wouldn't understand this and just start freaking out all over the world.

The result would be about 100 times worse than ISIS in the reactions of religious people in a state of complete psychotic breaks of dealing with an apparent reality that would be fake in an effort by Russia and China to create a one world government with no democracies left on earth.

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