Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Main problems with the Tax Bill as I see it

Trump and others are trying to put this Tax Bill in an international context which is completely not useful to most Americans just trying to survive day to day. Most people can't think very Macro in regard to businesses worldwide and competition. Besides, even before this Tax Bill loopholes allowed businesses to pay no taxes at all in many cases. So, for them, the Tax bill likely will be the government paying them to even be in business, and paid to them by Middle Class people just trying to survive (and not very well) after this tax bill passes. Also, the business tax reductions are permanent and any relief middle Class or poor people get ends completely within 8 years. So, it is a fake relief at best.

Then you have places like California and New York which have high state and local taxes because we actually fix our infrastructure better than most states do and we pay state taxes in order to do that.

The 10,000 dollar limit now on writeoffs for state and local taxes leaves  places like California where the average person will now pay 8500 dollars more in taxes here because of this stupid tax bill.

So, even if they work for some place like Wells Fargo which might give them 1000 dollars extra or something because of their new 18% increase in revenue because of the tax bill, they still here in California are going to be paying after deducting the 1000 dollars extra then an average of 7500 dollars more in tax BECAUSE of this new tax bill.

And then what about people on fixed incomes who don't have another 8500 dollars because that is the money they bought food and paid utilities with? What happens to them? Do they just go homeless on the streets because they cannot pay their taxes and eat or pay utilities?

Trump just raped the middle Class and poor with lies. There really is no other honest way to look at this Tax Bill.

Then on top of this what about the 13 million people being thrown off their health insurance by ending the individual mandate also contained in the tax bill?

How may of those had pre-existing conditions which will make them or their families go bankrupt or just allow them to die without that insurance?

So, Trump should have just called this bill:


 Because that's really all it is!

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