Monday, March 19, 2018

I have been wondering for about 5 years or more now HOW they were going to deal with death and maiming liability regarding self driving vehicles?

But, they seem to have it all worked out sort of like the problem Stormy Daniels is facing with Trump by forcing her into Federal Court and likely into Binding Arbitration out of the public eye and threatening her with a 20 million dollar penalty from anything she has done so far to publicize her illicit affair with Trump around the time of Barron, his sons Birth.

So, people won't even be able to talk about HOW! their loved one died from a self driving vehicle or how they were maimed the way this is going now. They won't even be able to speak about what happened to their loved one (their death, their dismemberment or anything according to pending legislation which will be totally in the favor of the self driving car manufacturers with those dying or injured having NO say so whatsoever.

So, how are they going to deal with hundreds and thousands of deaths and maimings from self driving vehicles?

They will just force anyone other than the Car companies to shut up in a legal way. And what this will do is just create thousands more deaths and injuries along the way.

So, what you are seeing is a literal death sentence for thousands to millions of Americans by way of self driving vehicles from cars to trucks of all sizes. What a total Mess!

By the way, if you are smart don't EVER get into any self driving vehicle that you cannot have a steering wheel or brake to stop in an emergency. If you do then well I call that "Survival of the fittest" because if you get in one without anyway to stop it how smart is that?

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