Tuesday, March 27, 2018

What I do to protect myself from (remote hacked) Photos and videos and selfies on my phone 24 hours a day

It's very simple. I just put a piece of black gorilla tape cut to the exact size over my camera that takes selfies. Most of the time if I'm taking pictures it is out the "Back" camera of my phone anyway.

This prevents videos of me or my wife nude or of any others in my family in various states of undress being taken by remote sources through my selfie front camera on my smart phone.

I also cover up the camera with tape or a small band aid on every device I own whether it be my laptops or desktop computers or tablets.

However, unless you bring your volume down to zero, tapes and recordings of every conversation that takes place within earshot of your phone or computer (when either is on) is available to remote hackers.

This is in addition to any "Bugs" there might be in your home or office put there by almost anyone you know or don't know. Then on top of this every store you might visit may have cameras (both seen and unseen that might also be recording your conversations with videos, photos or whatever as well.

So, in this world you never know when you are being videotaped, photographed, or recordings are being made of your conversations (even if you are only talking to yourself or on your hands free phone in your car with someone.

So, unless you turn your phone off (and this doesn't always disengage listening stations through your phone either), everything you say within earshot of your phone could be being recorded by someone somewhere.

This is the reality of every day life for ANYONE who has any computer device or phone anywhere on earth right now 24 hours a day every day.

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