Friday, March 30, 2018

Where does positive Thinking fit into all this?

If you don't believe you can do something, you can't.

If you do believe you can do something, you might.

But, if you don't ever believe you can do something then there is no way, shape or form for you to do anything at all.

So, unless you start out positive or get there then there is no hope at all for you.

Imagine if you had your arms tied behind your back in handcuffs and your legs had shackles on them and then no one told you had hands or arms or legs and no one showed you through walking or doing things with their hands that you even had them.

Would you know you had hands and arms and legs and feet?

If you didn't know you had them you wouldn't try because you wouldn't know you had them because no one showed you anything.

The point of all this is we all have abilities we don't know about until an emergency arises and we have to find those abilities to survive.

This happens to all of us at times in our lives.

So, hopefully, the right conditions in life scare the hell out of you enough so you find these amazing abilities before you die not knowing you have these extra arms and legs and hands and feet and eyes.

Because each of us is amazing!

None of us are the same. We are all completely individual and completely different with completely different abilities and experiences for billions of years as souls into the past, present and future.

And until you all realize this we are all missing amazing opportunities to be "All that we can be".

By God's Grace

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