Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Honeybee example of a Byzantine Fault Failure

A similar problem faces honeybee swarms. They have to find a new home, and the many scouts and wider participants have to reach consensus about which of perhaps several candidate homes to fly to. And then they all have to fly there, with their queen.[9] The bees' approach works reliably, but when researchers offer two hives, equally attractive by all the criteria bees apply, catastrophe ensues, the swarm breaks up, and all the bees die.[citation needed]

end partial quote from:

Byzantine fault tolerance - Wikipedia
Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) is the dependability of a fault-tolerant computer system, particularly distributed computing systems, where components may fail and there is imperfect information on whether a component is failed. In a "Byzantine failure", a component such as a server can inconsistently appear both failed and ...

The point is this applies to both computer programming structures (including situations like we presently face wtih Facebook and other companies like Cambridge Analytical. But also applies to real life situations of individuals, families, groups of families, ethnic groups and countries.

It is all about logic. Sometimes logic is going to fail given two equal choices with hundreds or thousands of people involved it can often be a disaster.

Have you ever tried to get more than two people to agree on anything?

This is the problem we all face whether it is computer related or getting more than two people to agree on ANYTHING!

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