Wednesday, March 28, 2018

What powers the Internet?

Selling your information and all the information of billions of others on earth.

If you don't understand this then maybe you shouldn't be using the Internet.

Understanding this one can make informed choices regarding how they are going to relate to the Internet (or not at all).

However, most people (90%) of people are not informed enough to protect themselves from harm ongoing.

And even those that ARE informed are taking a calculated risk (hopefully) to help inform others of what they are actually facing ongoing on into the future.

Because the thousands of Companies (including Facebook) are NEVER going to tell you the truth about how they really make money from everything you do or say in any media including in phone calls with or without a cell phone or smart phone and even over land lines.

One disturbing thing I found out recently is that What's App has even been bought by Facebook which is likely the single most disturbing thing I have learned this year so far. Why?

Because this has been my primary way to communicate for free with friends and loved ones in other countries the last 3 to 5 years time. Another way would be skype but mostly it's easier I find with What's App.

However, my older daughter is concerned about Facebook buying What's App too and recommended "Signal" to replace What's App.

Now, I suppose Facebook could also buy Signal too and then we would also have to find another similar app to keep a level of safety around our lives because Facebook cannot be trusted with ANY information especially regarding anyone under about 25 or 30 years of age.

Companies can destroy a young person's future and blackball them easily sometimes for life by what they put in Facebook between 5 and 30 years of age before they realize what they are actually doing to their lives by sharing too much.

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