Thursday, March 29, 2018

What is Genius?

For me at least, for genius to be useful it must also be practical.

What is the most recent example of Genius?

The one I noticed was China inviting Kim Jong Un to China to Beijing to create a nuclear disarmament agreement with him. Will this actually work? It might. That is the genius of it.

Sanctions from China and the U.S. and the rest of the world finally bit North Korea hard enough to cause this to happen.

So, are sanctions genius?

Sanctions can be genius or they can just destroy countries and regimes.  They can create nations to be submissive but they also can destroy whole cultures if we aren't careful in the overuse of economic sanctions. It all depends upon how they are applied by other nations.

For example, the logical end of economic sanctions could be a one world dictatorship run by China with no democracy and no human rights and concentration camps where people (minorities) are all rounded up and put to work for no money until they die and are experimented on and raped until they are dead.

So, though sanctions might be genius now they also could spell the end of the human race eventually too.

So, it is quite easy for me to see  economic sanctions causing human extinction in the end if they are taken too far.

What was the first genius of the human race?

Likely building a fire inside a cave caused by lightning and taking that burning wood into a cave to stay warm in the winter somewhere.

What was the second genius of the human race?

Likely moving out of the cave and into a hut somewhere built of tree bark and branches so we could hunt and gather over more territory when the game was gone near our cave.

So, this is why I say that genius to be useful has to be practical first.

I have met many geniuses that are not practical. So, it is very likely to find a genius digging ditches either because they like digging ditches or they cannot find a way to practically use their genius in any other way presently.

I find that even if you might be a genius in some field or in many fields of endeavor often one has to wait for the right set of opportunities to arise to actually apply that genius.

So, even if you are a genius you have to also be an opportunist to know then to apply that genius to create something useful in your life or the lives of others.

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