Thursday, March 29, 2018

The most useful decision in my life

Was to embark on a path of compassion in my late 20s and early 30s.


Because as long as a person is hating themselves and others (for ANY reason) they cannot find their true potential in life.

So, until you can find a way to forgive yourself and others and to move on from whatever wrongs you feel you have suffered there is no real future for you in this life.

As long as you experience being a victim in your mind and life you cannot really move forward and fully motivate your internal genius in creating a life worth living.

Often we aren't aware that we are seeing ourselves as victims at all.

Often it becomes clear as you forgive yourselves and others and let the past go and move forward in your life.

By letting go of perceived past wrongs you "empty your cup of hatred of self and others". By emptying your cup of hate and letting it go you then have a whole cup to fill with love of self and others and all life in the universe.

A cup of hate kills your mind and body when maintained over the years and it may kill others too.

But a cup of compassion for yourself and all others creates ways to manifest your genius, life's genius and God's genius through your life and the lives of others.

So, if you want to help yourself and everyone around you learn to give up self hate and the hate of others in whatever ways you can that are practical to both your and their survival ongoing.

My most useful decision was to to decide to love and to care for myself and all others that I was able to in my life. It was my decision to be compassionate to myself and all other beings in the most practical useful ways possible that I could think of.

By doing this it was my path to health, wealth, happiness and longevity.

By God's Grace

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