Monday, July 27, 2020

As you can see California leads in total cases but not in deaths compared to total population

As of Sunday afternoon, data from Johns Hopkins University shows 423,855 people in Florida have tested positive for the coronavirus, compared to 411,736 in New York. California leads with 450,242 cases.
end partial quote from:

California which has almost 40 million people is the most populous state of all 50 states and the 5th largest economy on earth all by itself. So, though we have the most cases (because we have 40 million people here) our deaths per 100,000 people are very low comparatively to other states.

Shutting down both times now allowed us to have many cases but not that many deaths which I believe now is about 8000 plus deaths compared to over 32,000 for New York State. So, though we lead in positive Coronavirus cases we have about 1/4 of the number of deaths of New York which only has 19.4  million people compared to the 40 million in California.

Whereas Florida has 21.44 million people total. So both Florida and New York are about 1/2 the population of California and if you added Florida's population with New York's you would have approximately California's population.

So, if you add the Florida and New York Cases you can see how well 40 million Californians are doing compared to New York and Florida. Together Florida and New York have 835591 cases together compared to 450,242 
cases for

California's almost 40 million people.

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