Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Intuitive Activist

If you cannot sense danger to yourself your family, your finances, then who will keep you alive in these times? Yes. You can pray and being intuitive for me, at least is living in a state of prayer or oneness with God's consciousness so he, she(the Being) just makes me aware of whatever I need to know. Everyone has slightly different gifts but his is my agreement, my personal covenant with God.
In many families there is at least one person who will tell everyone else what is going to happen next or who just "knows things" and people in that family go to this person who "knows things" to make sure they are making the "correct" choices for a good future. It is like this all around the world in every family.

In my family it was my mother, Grandmother and father. Now they are all gone it is me and my wife and sometimes my son and both of my daughters. Allowing kids growing up to have time to be with themselves and to learn these skills as they grow might mean the difference between life and death for members of your family in both the near and distant future. The important thing is to teach them kindness toward all members of the family and then kindness wherever and whenever possible for all beings everywhere.

Having people around who can sense the future and to help protect all your family in every way will be more important than any time since World War II in the remaining parts of this century.

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