Monday, October 17, 2011


When I first began working on what became "Memories part 1 through part 11 which is now in 7 web pages starting at:

dragonofcompassion - memories part 1

it was 1980 on a summer day in Mt. Shasta California. Eventually in 1999 after I had almost died for about 7 months with a heart virus, I had promised God that if I survived my heart virus that I would no longer be afraid to share my experiences with humanity. (I often think that God had to almost kill me many times before I did as he wanted). I guess I'm either very determined or very stubborn depending upon how you look at it. So I started my first website at Geocities which I kept for almost 10 years. I put what wasn't lost to an internet crash sometime in 2000 in my archives section there except for a few more personal entries which I removed because of the ongoing problems of just how far and wide the internet now goes to billions of people now sort of to be wiser and safer about all of this for myself and my family. So now, most of what I wrote then or before that I wanted to publish is in the archives section now at my site.

This I'm writing now is just to tell you that I'm finally going through Memories with a more modern spell checker. The ones available in the early 2000s weren't very good even though in regard to context some of them then were excellent. I went through Memories more than 10 times which for me meant hundreds of hours of trying to edit what I have written so it is very frustrating to have spent so much time and still have it looking like a rough draft. My wife offered to give me $10,000 to publish it but I didn't feel it was ready for prime time. Besides, I have written mostly for beings in the past, present and future both on earth and off and in other dimensions. So what I have written is timeless and uniquely remarkable I find even if it isn't perfectly edited in every way. So, what is universally important is the content more than the context or spelling of what I write. What I write is very very deep and meaningful and one could say what I'm sharing is my life's work as an adept on the path towards enlightenment. 

Does enlightenment exist? Yes, definitely.

Is it what I thought it was as a young man? NO. Not at all

Is it valuable and was it worth my while? Every single moment.

Would I do it again? Yes. most definitely now that I see how important what I can share is to so many thousands and millions now and into the future, present and past of earth and beyond.

Enlightenment is about having compassion for all life in the universe in all time and space in the universe all at once and then combining it with all the wisdom and knowledge and efficiency you can manage or muster in any way. By sharing this the human race (an anyone else listening) does quantum jumps and more quickly ends suffering in every way, shape or form and brings all beings to states of bliss which might become permanent. A worthwhile endeavor don't you think?

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