Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Understanding the Universe

A scientist using the scientific method is trying to create repeatable results that any good scientist can repeat. But the rest of us who are not paid scientists might be only trying to prove to ourselves as to what is scientific fact. We are not waiting to be able to prove it to everyone else.

For example, if a surfer waited for a scientist to prove that he can surf a wave he might never surf that wave his entire lifetime! So, instead the surfer sees someone else surf the wave on a board and then follows that person's example. So what I'm saying is that if we wait for scientists to prove that we can think and act and do almost anything we will never think, act or do anything while we wait because that will take thousands of years if then.

So, given my above argument on my path to enlightenment I don't have to prove what I experience to anyone else but myself. I have surfed that wave, flown that plane, rode that motorcycle, traveled the world, met amazing people and masters all over the world, and now better understand both myself and the universe. But could I prove that to you. No. You would have to experience it for yourself like I did. However, if I tell you what I have discovered you might believe me and try to surf the universe like I have and do!

Francis Bacon of Elizabethan England was the father of the Scientific Method. And since he was a biological ancestor of mine I have his genetics and possibly some of his insights as well. In the process of enlightenment which I chose as my real vocation at age 17 because I believed I could help not only myself but the whole human race by doing this during this life I learned many things in many different studies on my own and in college and in my travels around the world.

I'm still sort of jet lagged by being in England and Scotland so I find myself often going to sleep at 6 or 8 pm and waking up at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning. I can only get away with this because I'm retired and can usually sneak a nap in almost anytime I'm not having a specific appointment or business appointment with someone. However, I think when my daughter and her boyfriend return to the U.S. within a couple of weeks I will automatically go back on my normal schedule.

So, about 2:30 am this morning I began talking with my wife and she was talking about how being buried wasn't really necessary anymore and how being cremated was more practical and how she realized that in God's world time and space didn't really matter and that we could manifest bodies anywhere in time and space. I was a little overwhelmed because I don't normally hear her talk like this because this is how I think from the process of becoming enlightened all my life. So, I began to talk to her about how only 4% of the known universe is matter and how all the rest is considered "Dark Matter" which I think is a really stupid name for most of the universe. I prefer to call it "The Primal Sea" and I see galaxies as being like white caps on the primal sea. I told my wife that when the Galactic Sentience that is the governing head of this galaxy spoke with me before I knew really who he was he told me about how every matter galaxy is connected to an anti-matter galaxy through the black hole which is at the very center of the galaxy. He said that no galaxy can exist without an anti-matter galaxy being on the other side of the black hole in the center of the matter galaxy. So, the fact that 96% of the "stuff" of the universe is neither matter nor antimatter but "dark matter" or what I call "The Primal Sea" of the universe makes complete sense to me since the Galactic Sentience explained it to me years ago now. We actually, as residents only in a physical matter universe are only in the 4% of the universe which is matter. So, I would imagine the anti-matter galaxies are another 4% of the universe as well. How that works with 96% of the universe being "dark matter" or "The primal sea" I don't know.

A few hours later:

I was out in my hot tub spa outside at dawn this morning and was surfing the internet on my IPhone. I found a further article about New Dark Matter research at:


Begin quote from above word button article called "Dark Matter":

But the na­ture of “dark mat­ter” is a riddle—and a new study has only deep­ened the mys­tery. Now, “we know less about dark mat­ter than we did be­fore,” la­ment­ed Matt Walk­er of the Har­vard-Smith­son­ian Cen­ter for As­t­ro­phys­ics in Cam­bridge, Mass., lead au­thor of a re­port on the work to ap­pear in the The As­t­ro­phys­i­cal Jour­nal. end quote.

begin next quote from article:

Over cosmic his­to­ry, cos­mol­o­gists think clumps of dark mat­ter grew and at­tracted nor­mal mat­ter, form­ing the ga­lax­ies. Cos­mol­o­gists use pow­er­ful com­put­ers to sim­u­late this pro­cess. Their sim­ula­t­ions show that dark mat­ter should be densely packed in the cen­ters of ga­lax­ies. “If a dwarf gal­axy were a peach, the stand­ard cos­mo­lo­g­i­cal mod­el says we should find a dark mat­ter ‘pit’ at the cen­ter,” ex­plained Jor­ge Peñar­ru­bia of the Uni­vers­ity of Cam­bridge in the U.K., co-au­thor of the new stu­dy.

But mea­sure­ments of two dwarf ga­lax­ies show they con­tain a smooth dis­tri­bu­tion of dark mat­ter, Walk­er said. So “our mea­sure­ments con­tra­dict a bas­ic pre­diction about the struc­ture of cold dark mat­ter in dwarf ga­lax­ies.” In oth­er words, “the first two dwarf ga­lax­ies we stud­ied are like pit­less peach­es,” said Peñar­ru­bia. end quote.

However, if I am to believe what I was told late one night while I was driving alone up Interstate 5 about midnight towards Mt. Shasta, California where I then lived, I asked a question to God and the universe about what the universe was. Part of my answer talks about "Dark Matter" which I prefer to call "The Primal Sea of the universe" and I prefer to see Galaxies now as white caps "sort of like an electrical storm" on that primal sea.

This was told me in the 1970s around midnight one night by a being I now call "The Galactic Sentience" who runs the Galaxy for his civilization and species who actually created the galaxy. Since his species don't need air or water but only energy they derive from matter turning into anti-matter and anti-matter turning into matter, they create galaxies from "dark matter" to better feed on energy that is created as matter turns to anti-matter and anti-matter turns to matter. The way he explained it to me is that no galaxy can exist without an equal polar opposite anti-matter galaxy in a slightly different dimension on the other side of the black hole in the center of each and every galaxy. The Galactic Sentience's species lived in Dark Matter before there were any galaxies. However, to reproduce they needed to create galaxies to feed their young better. So, they are like farmers only they farm energy by creating galaxies. So, we as humans are completely dependent upon this species to create galaxies for us to live in while they create galaxies primarily to feed their young. Also, this species that I call the Creators are capable of incarnating as humans through a form of astral projection. So humans relationships with them resemble a little like Zeus and the Greek Pantheon's relationship to humans. If you saw Thor you get a Hollywoodized version of the concept. But if you go beyond the flashiness of the movie to the actual concept you will begin to see what I'm talking about.

If you are intuitive enough and used to trusting your intuition you will naturally feel the truth of what I am saying. For the rest of you, you will either believe what I'm saying or not or maybe you might just be entertained by the concept. However, for me, it is what I presently believe is actually going on in a scientific way to us all. Is the Galactic Sentience God? Some species think so but he doesn't. The way he would put it is like this: "Since my IQ would be well over 1,000,000 many species think I am God or at the very least a God. However, I'm just very intelligent and compassionate and orderly. I don't see myself as a God or necessarily even believe that such a thing is scientifically possible. However, I also see the necessity for some species to believe in a God or Gods, at least temporarily, until their species grows up and is capable of seeing the whole universe as it is really without being terrified and afraid. However, there really are such things as Angels and Archangels and masters of all kinds, as well as heaven realms for souls to rest and to heal in before they choose to do other things."

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