Thursday, December 6, 2012

Fiscal Cliff?

What happens when a first rate nation is asked to become a 2nd rate nation?

The people say, "No!"

What if they have no choice because of the decisions made the last 10 to 30 years already?

The Republicans Sacred Cow is the Military. So, they want no reductions to this budget even if everyone over 50 or 60 years old goes bankrupt and dies trying to stay alive. They also don't want to tax anyone more who makes over 250,000 a year. Republicans cannot be elected to Congress who vote to reduce the military budget or to tax Republicans who make over 250,000 a year.

The Democrats Sacred Cow is Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. It is the basis of everything the Democrats see about themselves that is good since the Great Depression. Democrats will not be elected again if they vote to reduce Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats also don't want the military to become 2nd rate on the world stage either.

So, basically what this means is that every single day the likelihood goes up considerably that we will go over the fiscal cliff and all the new cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the military will take place. It likely means it will take place simply speaking because no one of either party can get elected if they do what they other party wants.

To not go over the fiscal cliff literally every member of Congress would have to Fall on their sword and vote for what was best for the country instead of what will re-elect them.

I wonder how many soldiers who understand this fully are in Congress today? The President doesn't have to be re-elected so he doesn't really count in this in the same way. It is up to Congress to fall on their swords or the country goes down. The Simpson and Bowls Commission that researched this for 8 months understands this. The President is like the General of the Country but without the soldiers(Congresspeople and Senators) of the country all falling on their swords in both parties the country (and all it stands for may be over).

But, it cannot be just one party or the other falling on their swords or maybe it is better to go over the fiscal cliff. So, for example, if it's just the Democrats falling on their swords this won't work at all for anyone. So, that is why the fiscal cliff is still 60% to 70% likely to occur. Because right now I don't see the kind of courage it would take for both sides to fall on their swords for the good of the country.

Unless both Democrats and Republicans are equally pissed off at the results of not going over the fiscal cliff it isn't going to work for anyone.

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