Saturday, January 5, 2013

Truth is Stranger than Fiction

"Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't."
Mark Twain-

Yes. This is my experience always too. I have come to explain this as "Consciousness Creates Reality". This is how I define how this is possible.

Let me give you some examples of this: First the bad: Newtown Massacre, Columbine Massacre, every horrific thing that has ever happened in everyone's lives.

Now the good: Every amazing unbelievably good thing that has ever happened or will ever happen in any of our lives. Grass and plants growing, dogs and pets that love us no matter what. Friends that love us no matter what (and sometimes relatives like this too). The Internet (both good and bad) computerized 3D both good and bad (it gives me a headache) World Peace (It's not World War II or the Cold War). No nuclear wars since World WAr II (I believe in Time travel) etc. etc. etc.

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