Saturday, January 5, 2013

Chuck Lorre Production #396

CHUCK LORRE PRODUCTIONS, #396 It appears as if roughly half the people in this country think that they're in mortal danger from their own government. That's a lot of people sensing a lot of malice and threat. I worry that I don't see it. Sure, I see inefficiency a nd incompetence, but I've always seen that - regardless of which party's in office. And frankly, I've always welcomed it. I don't like my big bureaucracies to be cold, calculating, profit-making enterprises driven by a steely, clear-headed singular vision. A cursory glance through history would indicate that well-organized governments tend to enjoy well-organized parades, followed by well-organized ethnic cleansing. Which is why I celebrate the magnificent, muddle-headed ineptitude of our democracy. As far as I'm concerned, a little confusion and waste may keep the trains from running on time, but it also keeps people like me from getting a one-way ticket in a cattle car. Are our tax dollars being misspent on poorly run social programs? You bet! Do we get more buck for our bang at the local Post Office, Amtrak station, nuclear submarine or methadone clinic? Of course we do! But keep in mind that bureaucrats who can't find their ass with a flashlight and a hand mirror are not likely to find you either. To paraphrase Bobby McGee: "Freedom's just another word for who the hell's in charge here?!" end quote from: For both efficiency and ethnic Cleansing today I would look to China and North Korea. It used to be that way in Russia to when it was the Soviet Union but it's better now. Efficiency breeds big brother. So, when things get too Efficient, watch out. Whenever there is only one party in charge for over 10 years or so you can expect the ethnic cleansing of some group in any country on earth like this. It is pretty much a given if you study group human nature.

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