Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Gloria: Borger:

Begin quote from
"There is an almost Shakespearean drama beneath the surface--one of political careers made and broken, of past positions held and almost abandoned." Glora Borger, CNN Chief Political analyst in "Obama's irony, McCain's agony".

Wolf Blitzer liked this quote from her online blog and quoted it on air with her present on "The Situation Room today on September 4th 2013.

I watched Senator Rand Paul following in the foosteps of his very popular Libertarian Father Ron Paul who retired last year in his dealings with Secretary of State John Kerry. You could see the Presidential campaigner Rand Paul gearing up for action as a Presidential candidate. Could he ever be president? It isn't likely mainly because of his non-interference stance to the world. However, he will be very popular with College students and retired people all over the U.S. and is a firebrand like his father representing some of the best qualities like his father of the founding Fathers of these United States. However, because he likely cannot be bought by the military industrial complex he won't be elected.

I also agree with her title of this blog article of McCain's agony. This isn't what McCain wants. He actually wants Assad dead and out of power and nothing else. Unfortunately that likely would be another Al Qaeda like state that the U.S. would have to go into with boots on the ground eventually just like Afghanistan with the Taliban.

One of the ironies of this action is that it coincides with the beginning of Obamacare in earnest on September 14th I believe. So, Syria will tend to blot out dissent for the beginning of Obamacare where people are actually required to have insurance or they will be financially penalized.

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