Friday, September 6, 2013

Isolationist America?

We were once isolationist  during the years 1930 to December 7th 1941. The Japanese actually did us a favor. If they hadn't bombed Pearl Harbor likely all Europe would have gone down under Hitler's reign and all the World in the Pacific Rim would have gone down permanently to Japan under Tojo, the Military head of Japan then.

There is no Pearl Harbor now, just the use of chemical Weapons. Likely, the only World Leader who actually sees the problem and has enough power to do something about it is Obama. He wanted the cover of Congress. He might get it from the Senate but as I sit here writing this the House vote is 23 Yes (15 democrats and 8 Republicans) and 115 No (23 Democrats and 92 Republicans). The NO votes have to be for isolationism which created World War II. We are looking down the barrel of another World War II now in the Middle East or worse.

IF we want a real Armageddon, the kind of one people talk about in the Bible, not stopping chemical weapons use right here right now will likely create that Armageddon. Even if we stop chemical weapons use through cruise missile strikes we still might have Armageddon in the Middle East at this point.

In other words all that may be left of the whole middle east within 20 to 50 years is chemical weapons areas where millions have died with maybe nuclear craters where Iran and Israel used to be.

This isn't really hypothetical to me and I don't think it is hypothetical to Obama either. This is why he might have to (for the sake of the country and as a lame duck President) have to do this cruise missile strike  because of what he knows  about just how bad things are in the Whole Middle East right now.

You might ask me if you live here in the U.S. "What's wrong with that? That is just so far from us?"

What's wrong with this is that if this happens, Northern Africa, and all regions below about 5000 feet in elevation might become uninhabitable in Southern Europe too. So, countries like Greece, Italy, Spain and all other areas near them below about 5000 feet in elevation likely wouldn't support healthy lives or lifetimes beyond 30 to at most 50 years of age because of all the radiation and chemical pollution blowing over from the middle east.

This as an intuitive I can say is what we might be looking at now whether Obama sends in Cruise Missiles or not which I equate to "World War II" in present day in the Middle East.

One could argue that Obama's present stance up until now helped cause this situation. However, I think that isn't a useful way to look at it. Unfortunately, I think the single biggest cause of the present problems are overpopulation with not enough natural resources except oil. This is the primary cause of this apparently coming firestorm across the middle east.

If we look at Europe historically, the only way overpopulation was dealt with down through history has been either Plague or war. This is the only way larger wars were stopped. So, depopulations historically in Europe have Only come through combinations of Plagues and Wars.

IT is unfortunate to see the Middle East having the same kinds of problems today that were not possible until the advent of modern medicine. So, is modern medicine to blame for this problem?

Unfortunately, the answer is "Yes?" So, this is something new for the world to consider as well.

So, another way to look at this would be: "If there is no Social Welfare system you Must have enough children to support you when you are over 50 or to work for you in your business." And this is true throughout most of the Middle Eastern Countries.

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