Monday, June 9, 2014

Compassion is a Superior Path for Intuitives

The reason that Compassion for all life in the universe is a superior path for intuitives is Dualism doesn't work with our abilities.

Dualism only works if you are teaching children about life and don't want them to run into the street and be hit by a car. But, once you learn not to do things like this, dualism is counterproductive to the survival and development of an intuitive.

Also, dualism in the western world comes from our vision. Since we see red in addition to Green and Blue that most mammals only see, it lessens our night vision. So, for thousands of years the night was seen as bad because we as humans couldn't see well at night. But, we developed the red so we could define fruit in trees to eat and to see better to hunt during the day. So, we tend to see night as bad (because a lot of people were killed by wild animals or tripped over things at night in the dark) and we tend to see the day as good when we can see and hunt and farm more easily.

Dualism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dualism (from the Latin word duo meaning "two") denotes a state of two parts. The term 'dualism' was originally coined to denote co-eternal binary opposition, ...

Dualism (philosophy of mind) - Wikipedia, the free ...
In philosophy of mind, dualism is the position that mental phenomena are, in some respects, non-physical, or that the mind and body are not identical. Thus ...
There is a reason for this. The universe is one thing. It is not two. So, the result if you are gifted supernaturally is when you try to go this route you wind up literally splitting yourself in two which is dysfunctional.
By moving down a path of compassion for all life in the universe one sees that Good and evil don't really exist (at least the way they are taught about in the western world). 
However, Order and Chaos exists. But, this isn't good and bad, this is order and chaos which is completely different. And order isn't always good. Look at Hitler.
And Chaos isn't always bad.
Look at a waterfall.

So, this gives one a different perspective than one ordinarily gets from western religions.

However, one has to have an inquiring mind and an intelligent mind and not just the mind of a child to encompass a path of compassion mentally, emotionally and spiritually all at once.

I think when I grew up a dualist as a dualist one worships truth.

When I embarked on a path of compassion I worshipped kindness towards myself and all other beings. 

It's not that one gives up truth. It is that one sees truth as killing as often as it saves. Once one realizes this and doesn't want to literally kill physically or emotionally or mentally 1/2 of all the beings one comes into contact with, one learns to act in compassion of all beings like a mother or father to all beings instead of a killer of half the beings that one meets in the course of one's life.

Then one becomes both parent and friend to all beings in the physical and supernatural universe. One no longer operates like a child in ignorance but as an adult in wisdom and compassion. At this point there is no limit to the attainment of enlightenment for such a being. One becomes a literal King or Queen moving towards enlightenment because of the wisdom one has and practices from then on.

Thus one moves to infinite states of compassion and enlightenment and nothing is an obstacle because one becomes unlimited in the eyes of God.

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