Tuesday, October 13, 2015

88 degrees on Northern California Coast

There is an off shore breeze (which means the wind is coming from inland out to sea) which is very strange for where I live but much more common in Los Angeles County where I grew up and in Santa Barbara where my wife grew up. So, our housekeeper who grew up here in northern California thought this weather was extremely strange which it is. 88 degrees today might be the highest temperatures here in more than a year because we live on the ocean. So, 88 degrees with clouds moving is really different. So, I looked at a weather radar of the area to make some sense of it and saw rain clouds moving out into the ocean and what looked like the remnants of a hurricane or tropical storm rotating counter clockwise up into the SF Bay area so this was causing the air moving from inland out to sea which is very strange to see this far north because Santana winds which cause a lot of brush and home fires in the south don't usually happen here at all or very rarely.

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