Saturday, February 13, 2016

One of the reasons we are in a new Cold War is Syria

Because Russia is into ORDER over human Rights.

To understand Russia and China you have to get this.

To them, human rights are impossible. So, you must create order.
This is how both nations have been for more than 1000 years in their cultures.

Their emphasis has never been human rights.

You see this in a pronounced way the way in which Russia has no qualms about
killing civilians, (men, women and children and even pregnant women) and has no
problem in killing them by the hundreds or thousands in Syria. It has been this way since World War II so this is nothing new.

My point of view is that Europe and the U.S. and the rest of the world are as responsible for this as the Russians and Assad are because Europe and the U.S. let Russia and Assad do this.

However, in reality there will now be Sunni Terrorists and Sunni Rebels coming into fight Assad and Russia for the next 100 years or more in Syria as a result of this Russian, Iranian and Assad stance.

This is just a given now.

So, this not resolving the rights of the Majority of people in Syria who are Sunni by Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Assad has caused this problem and it will likely continue now for 100 years or more because of this now.

The other cause of the "New Cold War" is the Ukraine.

In other words Russia's Secret or not so secret incursion into Ukraine with Russian soldiers.

The Russian people at home aren't told about this except for the ones who receive their Russian Soldier boys back in boxes from fighting in Ukraine.

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