Thursday, February 11, 2016

What's your motivation?

Why are you alive? What are you doing with your life?

This is not a question to intimidate you by the way.

Understanding your own motivation for doing things is very important if you want to stay alive at all.

This is a part of becoming an adult, and of caring for yourself and for others no matter what age you start doing this, if ever.

If you understand your motivation for doing what you are doing: Is it a worthy motivation?

Do you feel like your life is worthwhile using this motivation?

For me, at around age 21 my life (how I then saw my life) ended.

So, my idea was: "I don't want to be alive in a world where I cannot be who I wanted to be."

So, my solution was to take my own life.

But, I didn't do this because I was an honorable person because I couldn't do this to my parents.

So, my parents kept me alive. (thinking about their need not to see me die kept me alive).

After a time I had a son and got married. Then I didn't have to stay alive for my parents I could stay alive so my son grew up right.

So, my motivation was to raise my son right. I realized from this that as a person I am a caretaker kind of person like a Nurse, a doctor or a priest or a family head.

Understanding your motivation and what makes you tick allows you to accept yourself and to move forwards in life without taking your own life.

So, self discovery is important if you want to live to even 30 years of age let alone 25.

So, when I ask you "What is your motivation?"

What I'm really asking you is: "Why are you choosing to be alive?"

And this IS a very important question that everyone needs to ask themselves.

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