Thursday, July 14, 2016

Cars and Trucks as Weapons?

I'm not sure I'm more horrified by 9-11 or this?

The reason is simple. Everyone has a car or truck around the world, not just a few people. So, now what?

They don't have to have a bomb just mow down hundreds or thousands of people and then get out with a kalishnikov and keep shooting until the driver is dead?

What is the problem of this?

The problem is anyone can shoot a driver or incapacitate a driver, steal the truck and do something like this. They obviously don't care about a driver's legal license because they are going to die anyway in something like this likely doped up on Xanax so they don't care if they die or not so they can stay focused on doing what they are doing.

This is a much bigger problem than planes going into the World Trade Center. If you think about it you will see exactly what I mean!

What can protect crowds now huge cement barriers or those large knife like things coming up out of the ground to stop vehicles everywhere you want people to be gathered?

What protects people crossing the streets in big cities?

What protects people walking to work down the street?

One thing I was thinking about was you notice this didn't happen in one of the U.S. states that is an open carry state or a state where it is legal to have a rifle in your vehicle on a gun rack loaded for hunting. Because where I live people don't intimidate people with cars or trucks. If they did they know they would be shot or might be. It just doesn't happen.

So, when someone wants to pass you pull over because you never know when it's a crazy with a legal or illegal gun going by fast.

The western states just don't put up with people like this. Anyone armed would shoot someone who did something like this in the Western states of America. So, the only way this could work out here is if they had bullet proof windows and even then people would shoot out their tires.

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