Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Cleveland is an open carry city in an open carry state of Ohio

I was watching CNN and learned the following:

I was listening to the Chief of Police for Cleveland, Ohio talking about how Cleveland (and the whole state of Ohio) is an open carry state. So, what that means is that except for the area controlled by the Secret Service directly next to the GOP Convention site, you are going to see demonstrators for and against Trump carrying weapons openly.

Then I was listening to the leader of Bikers for Trump (a motorcycle group) who said he would not be carrying a firearm but he said he couldn't speak for his Bikers for Trump (some of whom might be carrying firearms. This by itself isn't a problem. However, this also means rabid anti-Trump demonstrators (thousands and thousands are expected in Cleveland in the next week could be openly armed with firearms as well.

The thing about "Open Carry" you must realize is people are carrying loaded guns. Often this means (without a bullet in the chamber) but nothing more than this. So, you are going to see irate demonstrators carrying firearms outside of the Secret Service controlled areas directly around the GOP Convention site. This doesn't inherently mean anything but I think I for one will be concerned about this. How about you?

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