Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Sustained heat inland bringing in the fog onto shore

The sustained temperatures of 100 degrees Fahrenheit are now starting to bring fog onto shore and making it difficult to drive parts of the day some places on the northern California coast. So, even though today Redding was about 100 degrees today tomorrow it will be 105 or 106 degrees there. So, the heat further inland is drawing the fog off the ocean now. So, for example, it didn't get above the mid 60s where I live which is one reason people like to live here because it stays green even during the summers from the fog and mist. However, don't expect to see the sun much on the northern California coast in June or July of ANY year.  Even August can be kind of iffy whether you are going to see the sun that day or not.

However, the misty cloudy skies of June and July on the Northern California coast are also why pine and oak and Redwood forests with ferns grow happily on the California coast year around partly because of this. In fact, Redwoods naturally only grow from about Morro Bay northwards along the coast of California and up into Oregon. They may also live up into Washington some places too naturally. However, people often transplant baby redwoods many places with mixed results depending on how happy they are where they are planted.

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