Sunday, July 10, 2016

Even then Lama meant "Spiritual Teacher"

Eloi; Eloi; Lama; Sabachtha; Eli; Eli; Lama...


IF you click on the word button above you can see what Jesus said on the Cross in Aramaic. There is still a lot of confusion about what he said because it can be interpreted in Aramaic (his home tongue) or in Hebrew (his 2nd language).

What is interesting to me here is the word "Lama" which means "Teacher or "Spritual Teacher".

In my own life I studied with several Tibetan Lamas in the 1980s primarily in Oregon, California, India and Nepal. And so the word Lama also has a special meaning to me too. 

When I had learned to soul travel successfully around 1970 in my life I eventually traveled through bi-location to the edge of the galaxy and passed it. This was likely the most horrific experience of my life to be out past the edge of the galaxy.

 Because the Galaxy is actually a living thing of which we are all a part. And without it we are basically nothing.

So, my experience was like if you imagine being dropped out of a helicopter at midnight in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with no stars in the sky pitch black naked.

How do you feel?

Very alone. You cannot see anything. You have no reference points. You are terrified. You are completely alone and naked. If you didn't expect this you are terrified out of your mind. 

This is exactly what happened to me. I shot back into my body here on earth and was so scared I decided not to soul travel for several years after that.

But, in 1980 I started meeting Tibetan Lamas who are not afraid of the void. IN fact, advanced yogis and Lamas hang out in the void past the edge of the galaxy to get rid of unwanted karmic baggage to get down to basics for enlightenment.

However, for me, I just learned from them how to travel between galaxies. I realized I wanted to be in "Some Galaxy" wherever I was in the Universe. I'm not interested in being out in pitch dark in between galaxies anymore. But, that's just me.

I learned how to jump from one galaxy to the next in my soul which I like much better than being completely in the void.

So, the word "Lama" or teacher to me is a very profound one.


By the Grace of God








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