Sunday, July 10, 2016

I'll Believe it when I see it!

This has always been my attitude towards everything in life. It started when I was young and people told me all sorts of absurd things and expected me to believe whatever it was. So, over time as I grew up by the time I was 8 or 10 years old this is my entire point of view about everything in life.

Some people just choose to live in fairy tales their whole lives and if someone is there to protect them through all their fairy tales they often survive to old age.

However, being raised as a man in the 1950s I wasn't going to survive my life being like this. In the 1950s only girls and women could survive just believing in fairy tales their whole lives and not even then for many.

So, "I'll believe it when I see it" is sort of like "Show me!" which many people live also.

However, here is the truth of life right here. "Truth is much stranger than any fiction ever written!"

This is always the case I find. So, the truths I have found most of you might not be able to believe just because of your conditioning here on planet Earth.

However, the things I share with you I have been convinced every step of the way.

Do I expect you to believe as I do?

No. That would be foolish because you have not experienced what I have every day of your lives.

Do I think you might believe me?


And this is why I'm writing all this.

As I lay dying in my grandmother's arms at age 2 from whooping cough she sang "Hark The Herald Angels Sing!"

And somehow this invoked Arcangel Michael and his band of protecting Arcangels to protect me and save me from death.

This impressed me a lot that they would come and save me and ever after I aspired to be like them through Soul Travel.

By praying for this gift from God from a little child into my 20s I finally was granted by God the ability to Soul Travel consciously.

This led to my present understanding of the universe.

By the time I became proficient at conscious soul travel all over the earth and out into space I was about 22 years of age. At the time I was having difficulty wanting to stay alive on earth as well. I always had girlfriends but this isn't enough to want to stay alive for yourself. I might stay alive for them but not necessarily for me.

So, I wasn't afraid of death. In fact, I welcomed death at this point in my life.

So, when one day I decided to travel out into space to try to find my way to God in the Center of the Galaxy I was not afraid to actually do this at the time.

Would I do this today?

The answer would be that I perceive both myself and the whole universe as a completely different thing than my conception of myself and the universe was then. So, I have no need to go anywhere because I am already everywhere. However, it took 10 or more years of soul traveling to begin to understand fully what all this actually means. I had to first come to terms with the fact that both time and space are not at all what we perceive them to be here on earth first. And this took time and experience.

So, as I bi-located out of my body up into space I knew this would not be a problem because my physical body would still be breathing air here on earth. So, as I moved into space I experienced it much like I did traveling through the air as a soul here on earth or traveling through walls of buildings. To a soul buildings and trees and rocks one can easily travel through as a soul. A soul is in a different dimension than physical things and beings are.

And yet, a soul can also transit through a physical dimension as well and it can also travel time as well as space very easily or even instantly if you understand this too.

So, my experience was of traveling up off the earth and into space. When I reached the planet Venus while heading towards the sun (as I was intuitively guided in my pilgrimage) I met folks there also in soul bodies like myself (you cannot be there in a physical body because it is 600 to 900 degrees on Venus.) However, there were souls like we find here on earth only ones who were a part of Human colonizations there before the sun heated up and rendered Venus uninhabitable for human bodies any longer and people moved out to Mars and to the planet that is now the asteroid belt circling the sun.

I told the souls on Venus that I wanted to visit God in the center of the Galaxy and they said I needed to go into the sun and that the Plasma Beings there would help me get there. I said, "Won't I burn up in the sun?"

They said, "No. Because you are in a soul body like we are and not in a physical body right now."

So, I went into the sun and to me then it felt like getting into a hot tub or spa.

Then the plasma beings had me sit in a golden throne in the sun and instantly I was in the center of the galaxy of "The Milky Way" that we all live in.

But, God (at least as you and I know God to be) was not there. Instead there is a race of beings that builds and maintains galaxies (all Galaxies) there. In other words their distant relatives have created all galaxies in existence and they also maintain them.

They build galaxies like we build farms here on earth and for about the same kind of purpose so they can "raise food" to live.

The difference being they don't breathe air, or eat food or drink water like we do because their natural state is "Dark or UNKNOWN Matter or Dark or UNKNOWN fluid" (dark matter just means unknown matter).

The leader of the Galaxy I call the Galactic Sentience because he has the ability to sense all beings in the galaxy in real time and runs the galaxy which is also a living being like you and me by the way.

Also, the earth is a living being too and all the planets and our sun and all suns. All these things are alive individually and collectively and have sentience.

The Galactic sentience experiences all this including all human beings and the experiences of all beings on earth no matter how big or how small as well.

This blew my mind to discover this.

So, when they viewed me sort of as Tarzan of Earth I didn't quite know what to do with all this. So, I was viewed as an anomaly because beings don't usually survive the journey I made. So, it was important to the Galactic Sentience to receive me and he told me I had come to visit him because he was my Grandson.

At the time this confused me a lot (on top of being confused by God not being in the center of our galaxy). So, I was at a distinct disadvantage. The Galactic Sentience (leader of our galaxy) told me that I was a human incarnation of his Grandfather who had built this Galaxy with his wife and children and that he had been chosen as leader when his grandfather went to sleep to take thousands to millions of incarnations as humans and other types of beings on earth and thousands of other planets and dimensions. He described a reality that reminded me then and now a lot of Zeus and Hera and Hercules but also of Odin and Thor and all that kind of Pantheon too.

I said, "Are you God?"

He said, "NO. I don't see myself that way. However, many civilizations do who are primitive like your species on earth because I never die and can be everywhere in the minds of all beings at once all the time."

He implied that he had millions of IQ points in order to accomplish all this and I realized I was not dealing with anything "normal" to any earth point of view. However, I realized I was in a position to prevent the extinction of earth which is why I went there in the first place.

I asked him, "Can you prevent earth's being blown up by nuclear weapons?"

He said, "Yes. If I can see through your eyes."

So, I agreed to this in order to prevent the extinction of mankind here on earth.

He said, "I will prevent the extinction of earth and all life upon it by any means necessary far into the future."

I agreed.

I spent what seemed to be about a year in real time with him studying and associating with he and his friends and relatives in the center of the Galaxy.

But, in my time it was one night for my body here on earth.

But, I am forever changed by this experience.

Now, I come to see that the legends of Zeus, Hera and Hercules are true and also the legends of Odin and Thor which are similar.

These I believe are the Eloi or Elohim of the ancients who built and who build the galaxy and galaxies of the universe.

It is to them that Jesus said on the cross, "Eloi Eloi Lamasabucthani"

I heard an Aramaic scholar when I was about 10 years old in Los Angeles speak about how they had mistranslated this. In Aramaic it actually means "My God My God How thou hast glorified me!"

However, it is important to understand that Eloi is a plural noun for God which means literally "Gods"

So, he actually was saying in Aramaic "My Gods! My Gods! How you have glorified me!"

begin quote:

Eloi; Eloi; Lama; Sabachtha; Eli; Eli; Lama Sabachthani

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    e'-loi, e-lo'i, la'-ma, sa-bakh-tha'-ni, or (Eloi, eloi, lama sabachthanei):
    The forms of the first word as translated vary in the two narratives, being in Mark as first above and in Mt as in second reading.
    With some perversions of form probably from Psalms 22:1 ('eli 'eli lamah `azabhtani). A statement uttered by Jesus on the cross just before his death, translated, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34).
    There is an interesting but difficult problem in connection with the interpretation of this passage. There seems to be a mixture of Aramaic and Hebrew.
    The first two words, whether in Hebrew or Aramaic, have sufficient similarity to each other and each sufficient similarity to the name itself to warrant the jeer that Jesus was calling upon Elias, or the sincere supposition of those who might not fully understand the language, that he was actually calling on Elias.
    The forms lema and lama used in Matthew and Mark respectively (Westcott and Hort, The New Testament in Greek) represent the various possible forms, the first the Aramaic, and the second the Hebrew. The various readings and translations of the latter word, sabachthani, only add confusion to an effort at ultimate explanation of the real statement. Certainly the influence of the Aramaic played a great part in the translation and transmission of the original. The spirit revealed by Jesus in this utterance seems to be very much like that displayed in the Garden when He cried out to have the cup removed from Him.
    Walter G. Clippinger
    end quote from:
    1. Scripture facts on Eloi; Eloi; Lama; Sabachtha; Eli; Eli; Lama Sabachthani. Bible encyclopedia for study...

    By God's Grace

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