Friday, July 15, 2016

retired CIA CNN commentator Bill Baer: "What really worries me about Nice is it'll Boost Far right" (in Europe)

  1. What happened in Nice will encourage other nations to exit the EU like England is already. France is a soft target and because of it's "Martial Law" after all the terrorist attacks Muslims in Europe are basically shut out of employment which is also causing some of them to do things like in Nice. So, Martial Law is helping cause more attacks from young Muslim men without hope for a future there. And now this is only likely to get much worse. To add to this French citizens are not allowed to defend themselves with weapons. So, for terrorists it is like "Shooting rats in a barrel" in other words the French people cannot legally defend themselves, someone else (the police or soldiers must defend them) so if no police or soldiers are around they are just going to be massacred like this over and over again. The same for Belgium. This is just going to rip the EU completely apart over time with 100 or more French or Belgians being killed in these attacks over and over again. It is hard to believe that the EU can survive 5 or 10 more years of this with ISIS becoming more of a terrorist organization and less of a country called the Islamic State. And ISIS is still the richest terrorist organization in the history of the world. This is not good for Europe or the world economy either.

  1. begin quote from:

  1. CNN's Baer: What 'Really Worries Me' About Nice Is...
    Jul 13, 2016 · During CNN’s coverage of the attacks in Nice, France CNN Intelligence and Security Analyst Robert Baer...

CNN’s Baer: What ‘Really Worries Me’ About Nice Is It’ll ‘Boost’ Far Right, ‘It’s Going To Boost Brexit’


During CNN’s coverage of the attacks in Nice, France CNN Intelligence and Security Analyst Robert Baer stated, “what really worries me is this is going to turn European politics very far to the front, La Pen, the rightist, you know, the candidate for the presidency, the far right, this is going to boost them. It’s going to boost Brexit.”
said France has “a large population that’s sympathetic to the Islamic State, a lot of converts from Christianity have joined the Islamic State. It’s a problem they can’t get a hold of, and what really worries me is this is going to turn European politics very far to the front, La Pen, the rightist, you know, the candidate for the presidency, the far right, this is going to boost them. It’s going to boost Brexit. It’s going to boost the Germans and the rest of it, because it can happen anywhere in Europe.” but again, i go back to these weapons. are they coming across boats from libya? are they coming from turkey? we simply don’t know and what i’m saying is the islamic state, this is the islamic state attack, we’re going to find out soon enough, but that they can keep on going and they have this bottomless, you know, well of adherence, and that’s what scares the europeans.”
(h/t The Right Scoop)
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