Thursday, July 14, 2016

Terrifying the rich in Nice and Monaco is not a good thing

Often rich people are very intelligent because it is often their intelligence that got them there. Or they are beautiful and met someone who was rich. Either way, often they are not emotionally as prepared as common people would be for really scary events. So, you likely are going to have all kinds of people having breakdowns in the area who are rich. This is not a good thing and just makes society in general more screwed up and dysfunctional than it already was. Attacking rich people who tend to be leaders and the owners of companies and the leaders of countries is just going to make things crazier than they already are.

So, likely we are going to be experiencing more of a paradigm shift in Europe and the U.S. than we already are after the last few years.

It reminds me a lot of what happened in the 1930s in Europe and the U.S. by comparison.

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