Thursday, July 14, 2016

I remember Nice, France

In 2009 I took my two daughters, one around 14 and the other 21 and my wife to Nice, France. First we went to Paris and stayed at the Hotel de Suede which is a reasonable hotel with breakfast within walking distance of the Louvre and the statue of Joan of Arc or Jeanne D'Arc all in gold. If you go next to the golden statue there are tour buses for the Eiffel tower and trips down the Seign River there on a tour boat which is fun too. You also can get Bus Tours of Versailles which is really amazing. I think Disneyland was inspired by places like Versailles when Disney when there during world War I as an Ambulance Driver for the U.S. Army then.

From Paris we took TGV (pronouced TAy-Jeh-Vee) which is a bullet train you can take to Nice from Paris much faster (time wise) than taking a plane when you consider security because security isn't as time consuming (or at all) when riding a train in France or the U.S. generally speaking. However, things might have changed since I was there in 2009 with my family.

So, a few hours after leaving Paris we were in Nice, France where we rented a Mercedes car and drove to our hotel there in Nice.
  1. A whole lot of Americans stay there because lots of people working there speak English in addition to French by the way.

    So, we had a great time staying there and met an interesting American couple from the East Coast of the U.S. there.

    We then took the car to Monaco and I was pretty amazed even driving by the Airport because I saw more private jets there than I had ever seen anywhere in my life before including Los Angeles. So, Nice Airport must have enough security for rich people from all over the world visiting the Cote-Azure or The Azure Coast or the French Riviera.

    Monaco has richer yachts than I have seen anywhere. many multi- multi- multi million dollar yachts are moored or anchored there. It is also the only place I've ever been to that has Lamborghini, Rolls Royce, and other upscale car dealerships right there next to the big Yachts.

    So, what I'm saying here is Nice and Monaco are one of the richest places in the world with the most rich people in one place I've ever seen ever.  So, think about this for a moment.

    ISIS just hit one of the richest of the rich playgrounds on earth because many of these people watching the fireworks were middle Class to rich.

    This is not a good thing for anyone.

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