Friday, January 25, 2019

Being a Libertarian has nothing to do with being Republican or Democrat

It's a philosophy basically that Means "everyone for themselves".

So, in the extreme (I'm just doing this so you better understand Libertarians who founded this country in 1776) in the extreme:

you take care of yourself
you don't make laws like seat belt laws
If people take drugs and die you let them

Kind of like this:

In other words a Libertarian philosophy is really neither Republican or Democrat but instead the view of the founding fathers.

Which basically means: You can harm or excel in regard to yourself in any way you want to as long as you don't harm anyone else doing it.

This is the Libertarian philosophy in a nutshell.

You have infinite opportunities to succeed or die or anywhere in between as a free born American.

And I agree with this basic philosophy.

But, you might say: "What about people with infirmities of one kind or another?"

This philosophy likely would say that either their relatives take care of them or they die which is also how things were originally in this country.

Many people have problems with this last statement so this is why we in this country joined Libertarianism to some aspects of Social Welfare as well.

However, unless you are a rich country this doesn't work very well or at all.

So, this is the reality everywhere on earth in regard to Libertarianism.

Libertarianism in many ways is "Natural Selection" in action.

And in this country Libertarianism is joined with some aspects of Social Welfare to keep children and the infirm and the elderly alive as long as possible and in good health.

But, if you understand Libertarianism you then understand the founding principle of this country.

"You can be anything you want to be as long as you don't harm anyone else doing it."

This is Libertarianism in action now since 1776 here in the United States of America.

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