Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The migrations will increase exponentially around the world caused by Global Warming

and overpopulation and bad governments worldwide in 3rd world nations. And bad governments even in first world governments like ours.

When governments (any government) lies to it's people then the people die in various ways ongoing.

Since governments have never lied as much as they are lying now to their peoples worldwide we must expect many many unnecessary deaths all over the world. (most of which will be covered up or not talked about by those governments worldwide.)

The number one security crisis on earth this century is not nuclear weapons or any specific government on earth. The number one security crisis worldwide is starvation caused by global warming, overpopulation and lies from governments and people worldwide.

And when governments deny Global Climate change they help cause millions and then billions of deaths all over the world as this century progresses toward 2100 and then 2200 AD.

IF Governments get away with denying Global Climate change then only the richest will survive worldwide who can afford the technology to leave bad situations as they happen more worldwide and who can pay (any price) for food.

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