Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Corey Goode Says he went public so he wouldn't be killed by our government

There is actually a good argument for this. When people have gone public and gone on TV or written books the U.S. government believes it is bad to kill them generally speaking. However, if you are Russian or Chinese you can disappear in a moment so it is different for every government this way.

So, his argument about going public and saying it was the only way he could stay alive does make complete sense to me.

But, after listening to him speak I am sure he also has PTSD. However, the question is "Where did he get the PTSD? In Iraq or Afghanistan or in Outer Space or ALL three in the Secret Military of the U.S.? Also, did he have some sort of PTSD before he joined our military and went to Iraq or Afghanistan or outer space or all three?

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