Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Could Trump be accused of murdering 100,000 coronavirus victims? Yes

I think there is no doubt that Trump could be accused even in court through negligence of murdering 100,000 Americans that were tested and 200,000 that were not tested for a total so far of 300,000 Americans he has murdered so far through negligence.

However, do I think he will be going to jail within the next 10 years time for this crime? No. I don't.

Short of someone who is irate who assassinates him whose relative or spouse died from his negligence I don't think he will be tried or even spend time in jail because of this.


Because the office of presidency of the United States and peaceful transitions of power since George Washington are more important than whatever Trump has done or will do. So, short of assassination I don't think he will pay a price for all the murders he is responsible for.

Besides, I don't believe ANY president could have kept the deaths from coronavirus so far below 20,000 to 30,000 people no matter what they did.

Americans are just so ruggedly individualistic and non group oriented like Asians tend to be that losing 20,000 to 30,000 so far was going to happen no matter what.

But, the 100,000 tested deaths and the 200,000 non-tested deaths he is definitely responsible fore and this is likely why he won't be re-elected in the fall.

But, that being said I expect around 1 million deaths in the U.S. from coronavirus total by next year this time which would be 300,000 tested deaths here in the U.S. by next July. Is Trump responsible for all these deaths. Yes.

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