Friday, July 24, 2020

Protesting to put your kids back in school is about day care

My son was talking about this and was saying where he lives it is at least 9 dollars and hour for childcare or more for his child. But, what if the average wage is going to be 12 to 15 dollars per hour as it is where he lives. And if you live in the South in southern States the minimum wage might still be around 7.50 an hour. So, does child care cost less in those states? Not sure.

So, what I believe is really going on is that people cannot afford to go to work if their kids are home unless they have a retired grandparent or other non-working (in the world) relative to watch that child or children.

So, maybe they are willing to risk death through their children in order to feed and clothe and house those children even though they might bring coronavirus home and kill both parents which seems to happen a lot too.

But, think about this? If your child brings home coronavirus and it kills both parents who is going to care for and support those children then?

But, are you willing to saddle your children with the load that both parents potentially dying will do to them if they bring it home to you and you die, and they have to carry this weight the rest of their lives that they killed their parents because their parents told them to go to school and they brought it home and it killed their parents?

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