Monday, July 6, 2020

Rosanne Cash's daughter was called "A Liberal Pussy" for wearing a mask in Nashville, Tennessee


America, however, is an utter disaster. Texas, Florida, and Arizona are the newest hubs of contagion, having apparently learned nothing from the other countries and states that previously experienced surges in cases. I stared at my phone in disbelief when the musician Rosanne Cash wrote on Twitter that her daughter had been called a “liberal pussy!” in Nashville for wearing a mask to buy groceries.
end quote from:

If thoughtful scientific thinking people are being called "Pussies" for trying to save their own lives, their families, and others lives then God Help Us.

Because the states where this is happening are doomed to die in horrible coronavirus situations.

People who are not scientifically minded and who call others liberal pussies don't really seem to understand just how bad this can and will get because of people doing this in their states.

I have seen this a little from rednecks in Mt. Shasta but in Mt. Shasta it is often an equal number of rednecks and an equal amount of Tourists who tend in California to be more Democratic. But some states are mostly people calling 
people who wear masks 'Liberal Pussies'. So, God help us of every race because the red states might be lost to coronavirus. And the Blue States (the other extreme) might be lost to the Starvation of those people who lose their jobs from opening and closing of businesses so much.

So, only if there is a balance do both our nation and our economy survive. Terrifying people by calling them liberal Pussies just means in that area there will NOT be enough beds for all the sick and dying and that's all.

And at it's worse state and local governments there might eventually collapse from all the chaos there in Red States.

And in Blue States only the richest of people will survive or those on welfare or social security. The rest will have to move to red states to make a living to survive all this and just hope they don't get coronavirus like all the rest of the people in Red States (Red state means Republican by the way if you are overseas reading this and a Blue State means majority Democrat).

If you are reading this outside the U.S. and you think all this is completely insane you are right. It is completely insane.

And it's only through some kind of balance that the U.S. will survive all this. Masks are survival of not only our economy but the people of our nation.

When you have too many elders dying you create a bad situation of too many younger people inheriting who have no idea how to manage wealth. And this just will create more and more chaos the more elders die of coronavirus in each state nationwide. children will fall through the cracks along with all those who don't know how to actually manage money in a useful way.

Many people might say: "Sell Everything and spend the money!" But, if you do that then you have no money to work for you when you get sick and old or anyone in your family does get sick or old or both.

The point I'm trying to make here is that millions and millions of elders deaths from coronavirus worldwide and just imagine the walking wounded worldwide from all these deaths and all the incredible chaos that this will create worldwide.

That is why this is different than anything we have experienced since the Great depression and World War II.

So, I think if you combine the problems of World War I and World War II and add in the Great Depression, you get a vague idea of what the world is facing the next 10 to 20 years now from all this.

I'm 72 years old and the coronavirus is the single worst thing that has happened on earth in my entire lifetime. And The Trump voters are really scaring the hell out of me because they just don't seem to have a clue just how bad a situation we are all in right now nationwide and worldwide.

It will take a lot of extreme sacrifice and wisdom and organization and people joining together for ANY of us here in the U.S. to survive what is presently coming worldwide.

And without critical thinking that you learn in college (or through the school of hard knocks by about age 40 or 50) none of us are going to survive all this. This I know for sure even now.

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