Monday, August 31, 2020

It's in Trump's interests now to suppress ANY Coronavirus deaths at all so look for it!

We saw it in the Republican Convention they way that people like Trump and Pence and others tried to talk about Coronavirus in the Past Tense, even though if we are scientific about it, Coronavirus is just beginning and we can expect 1 1/2 years to 2 years or more of it at the very least getting much much worse than now not only in the U.S. but also worldwide, especially places like India where not everyone is educated. Here in the U.S. even though everyone tends to be educated many people are not capable of critical thinking and so are vulnerable because they live in some kind of conspiracy theory either from their church or wherever and so they too are very vulnerable to coronavirus because they cannot think logically, rationally or scientifically which could and would save their lives worldwide if they actually could.

So, it's perfectly obvious to me that millions around the world (likely around 50 million or more) will die including hundreds of thousands or a million or more here in the U.S.

And Trump's insanity is just killing his supporters and that's all.

So, just expect Trump to deny the real deaths of Americans and brag falsely about how great he dealt with coronavirus which is a completely ball faced Lie!

Who will survive the coronavirus?

Only those wealthy enough to be educated enough to be able to critically think enough to save themselves. The rest of the world is very vulnerable and could possibly die of Coronavirus eventually, if not now sometime in the next 100 years because of present coronavirus mutations ongoing.

This is the terrifying truth of Natural Selection in a pandemic which is much worse than any war in the last 120 years on earth!

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