Saturday, November 21, 2020

Many people (especially in the northern Hemisphere) who don't believe in coronavirus will likely die now from it


Because it's sort of like a train coming down the tracks that you don't believe in. Unless you get off the tracks you are going to die. It's a given now.

So, people who still don't believe in Coronavirus  because of Trump's lies (or the lies of other despots worldwide) are going to be killed by coronavirus. So, you will have people around the world saying things like: "I don't believe in this coronavirus. I can't die from this!" And then they turn purple from not being able to breathe and then they are dead worldwide.

It's interesting that they called the Spanish flu "The Purple Death" too back in 1918. 

If you study the 1918 Spanish Flu only about 10,000 people died from it from January 1918 until about August of 1918.

Then in October 100,000 Americans died from it in one month. Then over the next 2 winters of 1918 and 1919 650,000 Americans in total died from it.

So, theoretically we could lose 3 times 650,000 people before it's over or approximately 2 million or more because now we are 3 times the population of 1918 here in the U.S.


Just because you don't believe something exists doesn't mean it can't kill you.

That's the real problem here.



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