Sunday, November 8, 2020

regarding the links article:

I have added to the best of my ability new most read articles as they occur as I become aware of them. However, I have been slow to remove older articles that might have been read a lot last week or 2. This is one reason why I give you the Titles to most read articles because that is the best source for you to know what is most read the last week or so. 

So, what I do is I write down with longhand all the new most read articles and put them at the bottom of the links list as they occur. However, I'm not putting them for now in the same order of popularity as they are actually by interest (at least so far) I'm just adding new popular articles as they arise.

As I have said before altering Href HTML coding is very time consuming which is why I'm better at adding new most read articles and not so good at removing older most read articles not read as much now. 

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