Saturday, December 12, 2020

How did We Get HERE? Chapter 2

Here is a Link or Word Button to Chapter 1 of "How did we get HERE?"

Also, here is the link to Chapter 3:

Note: I had lost control of the software on Chapter 1 and so realized I needed to start another Chapter because the software wasn't working right regarding text in Chapter one towards the end. 

Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back laughed along with His Oneness and Arcane at this. They had been way too serious for one day already. Almost dying changes a person by the way. You never are quite the same after someone tries to murder you. I had this experience twice as a child and strangely enough it likely has saved my life ever since by what I learned from these experiences.

His Oneness asked: "When was the last time you two gentleman ate anything?"

Lieutenant Back said, "Too Long. My stomach is gurgling maybe 4 to 5 hours."

His Oneness said, "Let's go to my dining room then." The four of them went into a big royal looking room with a huge dining table set for maybe 30 to 50 people.

His Oneness: "Let's all sit near where I sit on the very end so we can more easily be social."

So, they all sat at the very end of the table with Arcane on one side of His Oneness and the two Air Force officers on the other side (there in Shambala which is a dimensional city which is similar to a heaven realm except everyone there hasn't died and might live for thousands of years there. It was built during the time of Lemuria when a Space weather event likely was going to kill everyone on earth. Then after everyone who didn't die was in Shambala they recolonized earth from Shambala. But, of course those who left Shambala to recolonize earth eventually had children and passed away over time whereas those who stayed in Shambala are still alive since Lemuria which is most of California, Oregon and Baja California today.

Food kept coming from people who serve His Oneness and just kept coming until they all were full. The food even though unfamiliar to the two Air Force officers was amazing the way it made them feel, very invigorated and able to think deeply and unafraid of what might come in their lives.

Arcane started asking questions next. He said, "I think it might be useful for these two men to see what comes from their mission."

His Oneness said, "Yes. Because many of the people you give this information to will commit suicide after having made the right decision."

Captain Forward said, "Yes. We were trained for this and I think you helped train us for this in UNUS under the Swiss Alps if I am correct, Arcane?

Arcane said: "Yes. it is about dealing with the mostly unforeseen consequences to altering time for the greatest good. There are always collateral damages when you do this. There is never a perfect solution.

Captain Forward Said, "The Motto you taught us was "Do the most good you can but realize there will always be collateral damage when you change time lines no matter what you do."

Arcane: "Yes. This is often very hard to deal with especially if you know any of the people who will die or be maimed from the collateral damage too."

His Oneness:

"On that note I would like you gentlemen to hear the arguments of those who decide what to do.

There are a few different ones I want you to hear because most of the arguments will be some variation of these:

Something like a TV screen appeared in the air above them and they heard several men arguing quite vociferously. 

The first man said, "MY beliefs won't allow me to vote for keeping the human race alive! My beliefs say that we have to let mankind die and not get into technology to keep them alive. I'm a very religious man and I say we cannot change time to keep the human race alive.

The 2nd man said, "That's asinine! You live every moment because of technology. You go to the doctor how many times a year? You get vaccines for how many diseases during your lifetime and you tell me this bullshit about not changing timelines to prevent human extinction?"

There was a separate argument going on also at that conference table and here it is:

" Only Rich people should be allowed to live! They are educated and not complete dumb bells like most of humanity that couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag!"

This was answered by a self made man who was a rags to riches story who said, "Rich people are just privileged without any real merit except for the rags to riches man or woman who first made those millions! Anyone else doesn't have the right to be alive unless they struggled and made the money themselves!"

His Oneness said: "These are some of the basic arguments being made after you return with your evidence of human extinction."

Captain Forward Said, "Why are you sharing with us these men arguing? I don't understand!"

His Oneness: Remember the astronauts who were the first to the moon? Well. You guys are the first in the military to go to 2080 to 2100 to see the damage overpopulation does."

Captain Forward Visibly shivered from the implications of what His Oneness was saying.

Captain Forward said, "Will we have some kind of PTSD from this experience of traveling forward in time?"

His Oneness: "What do you think, gentlemen? You both will never be the same again or be able to unsee what you are going to see that happens these next 20 years in time. And remember these are your descendants and relatives who will actually go through this."

His Oneness:

How old are you Captain Forward?

Captain Forward said, "I'm 27, sir."

And how old are you Lieutenant Back?"

Lieutenant Back: "I'm 25 Sir."

His Oneness: 

"Well. What you don't know is that both of you will live past 100 years of age."

Captain Forward: "I think the statistical probability of that is somewhat low."

His Oneness: "I can show you your whole lives if you want me to."

Captain Forward now shuddered and the Lieutenant felt like shuddering too but held his ground.

This I think was the moment it set in upon them both how different a place than they had ever been before that they were right now.

His Oneness: "The problem is not that you both live to be over 100 years old each. The problem is that you will be living in an entirely different timeline than the one you visited at the Pentagon today. And there are many people both human and alien that don't want things to change at all and that there are both aliens and humans that would prefer humans go extinct. So, Arcane and I are here to protect you from these forces both human and alien who want you to die or to stop you."

Captain Forward: "I don't fully understand."

His Oneness: "Of course you don't understand because no one was there to show you what is really going on. And unfortunately you are going to remember what I'm going to share with you both for the rest of your natural lives now."

And this is where it got very real for these two Air Force officers who were now scared to the point where they were trying not to soil themselves from what they were learning.

His Oneness: "First of all almost half of those generals present that you were speaking with today want you dead and they are willing to do literally anything possible to make that happen. And Second, they are being paid off by Aliens masquerading as humans with millions of dollars in bribing them to off you two."

"So, financially, these 2 or 3 of the Generals you were speaking with  but not the one who was the lead one there are completely corrupt. But, if you offer someone enough money they might do almost anything if they think their family will be millionaires for hundreds of years. (If they actually believe that). So, the 2 or 3 generals there have been sold a bill of goods so to speak. They have been lied to."

"What I'm saying here is that your only protection to get back to 1992 safely is us, Arcane and I. And I am the Time Lord of Earth and a representative of the Galactic Government and Arcane is a Planetary Anthropologist and Galactic Saint who will help you both stay alive to return to 1992 so you can give the governments of 1992 enough information to prevent human extinction between 2080 and 2100. Do I make myself clear?"

Captain Forward: "Clear as Crystal, Sir."

His Oneness: "Lieutenant!"

Lieutenant Back: "Clear as Crystal Also, Sir."

His Oneness: So, what we are doing here is changing time while keeping you alive to live over 100 years each with your families in a completely new timeline that will begin on 9-11-2001.

Captain Forward look at his Oneness and asked: "Why is that date important, Sir?"

His Oneness: Because the first time that date happens 5 billion people die the first month and by 1 year later almost everyone else  is dead too or become mentally dysfunctional on that timeline.

So, we are creating a 2nd timeline that begins that date.

Captain Forward: why not just stop the 5 billion dying in the first place?"

His Oneness: "Brilliant Question. And there is a good answer for that."

"The problem is what happened on Maldek which is now the Asteroid belt. The people there didn't want to have an agreement with the Galactic Government to fix time if anything went wrong. So, because the asteroids are there instead of the planet now you can see for yourselves what was wrong with that idea.

Then the survivors from Maldek (The asteroid Belt) and mars who weren't rich enough to go to a home solar system were forced to move to Earth which was the ONLY place left livable after Maldek blew up from nuclear weapons and Mars' atmosphere blew off with most of the water there too from pieces of Maldek hitting Mars which was one of the nearer planets to Maldek 65 million years ago."

Captain Forward Said, "65 million years ago? Isn't that when the big dinosaurs all died or something?"

His Oneness: "Yes. A piece of Maldek hit Mars but another piece (which might have been purposely sent to earth which killed all the T-Rex and things so big they might step on humans so humans might colonize Earth within a couple of years after the T-Rexes and other big stuff that might step on humans had died. Don't you think that was convenient for the Maldekians and Martians so they could live on earth without being eaten by big dinosaurs?"

Captain Forward: "So, you are saying that our ancestors blew up Maldek which is now the asteroid belt and it messed up Mars and so the survivors of both those planets came to earth?"

His Oneness: "Yes. This is exactly what I'm saying."

Arcane said, "By the way you are the very first human beings to come to the 2nd timeline so there is literally no one else in 1992 that has ever seen the 2nd timeline yet but you two. This is because the 2nd timeline doesn't start until September 11th 2001."

His Oneness smiled at them and the Captain and the Lieutenant were both pretty creeped out by everything about now because "What were they supposed to believe was true?"

Captain Forward Said, "Arcane, if I didn't trust you from my training under the Alps in UNUS in Switzerland I might feel like I needed to put my service revolver to my head at this point."

Lieutenant Back: "Ditto"

Arcane: "Well. Don't do that. Because it's going to be a pretty hard ride for you guys until you deliver all the information to the United Nations back in 1992. And His Oneness and I are going to be working overtime as your personal bodyguards it appears by looking at the Time Pool here in Shambala too.

Note: A Service revolver for a Time Traveling Spy at this point is a lower leg holstered .38 Special revolver with a snub nose.

You might ask: "Are these two officers armed while talking to Arcane and His Oneness?

Strangely enough, the answer is "Yes" because do you really think two loaded snub nosed .38 Special revolvers are any threat to Arcane or His Oneness?

2nd note: A lower leg mounted .38 snub nosed Special revolver is the least noticeable weapon outside of a knife built into the belt buckle for a time traveling agent of the sort that these Two Air Force officers are.

Also, they have a button on their belt in addition to the secret knife there which can call their time space ship to their location in a dire emergency as well. However, only if one of them has died or is almost dying is it appropriate for them to call their ship to them in that given moment. And even then maybe dying might be better than this ship getting into the wrong hands. So, there is definite evolved time traveling protocol for such a situation.

Arcane went on: "I would like to bring the energy down a little because you both are experiencing an extreme form of Culture shock. You have been trained to deal with these sorts of things better than most people because you are of the same kind of stock as most pilots and astronauts trained by the U.S. and around the world. But, I'm going to help you a little because I am also a trained Galactic Counseler.

So, if you will let me help you here I will enable you not to eventually have some sort of breakdown at some point in the future.

So, if you view all this as a sort of culture shock like both of you might have experienced in various countries around the world during your lives as officers then maybe that might be the most helpful.

Captain Forward: "I'm open to your Galactic Counseling help Arcane. I trust you emplicitly already. However, Lieutenant Back has to make his own decision regarding all this."

Captain Forward: "Lieutenant. What do you think?"

Lieutenant Back: "Yes. This does remind me of traveling to Asia for example in some ways and also my travels to the middle east on assignment. But, I fully agree with the Captain here that I trust you Arcane to help us both better deal with this culture shock we are presently experiencing."

Arcane: "Is this okay with you, Your Oneness?"

His Oneness: "Of course Arcane. I have always admired your Saintly Skills."

Both the officers found themselves relaxing at this point and a level of integration was automatically taking place within them both.

Arcane: "Is this working for both of you?"

Captain Forward: "You wouldn't have let us shoot ourselves here under any circumstances, would you?"

Arcane: "Or anyone else."

Arcane: "I'm a Master class Psi-Ops operative for the Galactic Time Guard, Captain. I wouldn't have brought you two here if His Oneness or I were in any danger from anyone to begin with."

Captain Forward: "I feel like I'm in a Science Fiction movie at this point."

Arcane: "No. You are in a Galactic Level Science reality situation instead."

Captain Forward: "I want to thank you both again for saving our lives. We were like lambs to the slaughter in this situation, weren't we? There was no way for us both to survive what we were sent into without help?"

Arcane: "Yes. Captain. There was likely no way for you both to survive that situation if someone like myself and His Oneness didn't observe the problem on the Time Pool and retroactively rescue you."

Captain Forward: "Does that mean we died before you saved us?"

Arcane: "That's correct. But I erased the memories of your deaths from your minds so I think there likely will be no long term PTSD damage, at least from that. So, on one level you just died and went to heaven."

Captain Forward: "It's sort of like that isn't it?"

Arcane: "In some ways it's exactly like that."

Captain Forward: "So, for both of us it's a new start in a new life."

Arcane: "Yes. That's the most real way to look at it."

Lieutenant Back had tears in his eyes and said, "I want to thank you both again for literally saving our lives. I agree with the Captain that we were literally babes in the woods and would have died without your help."

There was a moment here of absolute thanks and loyalty from the two officers towards both His Oneness and the Time Pool which had saved them when His Oneness saw their deaths and realized they had to be saved to prevent a Time War between 1992 and 2080 within the U.S. government of both times. Because of the advanced technologies of 2080 this was a disastrous war for the U.S. timeline. So, it had to be corrected in order for the U.S. to continue to exist at all in time.

Captain Forward Said, "What happened in the Time War that made it such a disaster?"

His Oneness looked at Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back quite carefully a moment trying to figure out if he should share this information with them or not. He thought to himself: "Well. It this knowledge gets into the wrong hands during 1992 or after I can always alter the time. But, by sharing this I will give the advantage to 1992 over 2080 because people in the past have an advantage over people in the future, even though the future has more advanced technology.

Then he said, "This is pretty powerful information so I hope it isn't misused in 1992 or after. The problem is that people in the past don't usually have as much technology but they have one supreme advantage which is that they can eliminate future people problems by killing off or sterilizing the ancestors of the people that cause them the problems in the future."

Captain Forward: "So you are laying out the strategy for actually fighting a Time war with less technology? And why would you share this with us to begin with?

His Oneness: "Because either way Arcane and I are going to change the time line in the 21st century so humans don't go extinct. and if you know this you know how to advise your Generals of earth in 1992 or after exactly how to fight this war to win it."

Captain Forward: "So either way you and Arcane will win?"

His Oneness: "Yes. But we were going to win anyway because we have the whole Galactic Government behind us."

Captain Forward: "But, this just makes your win an easier one?"

His Oneness: "Yes."

His Oneness: "If 1992 wins it is also a win for the Me, Arcane AND the whole Galactic Government."

Captain Forward: "I almost feel sorry for the Generals who tried to kill us in 2080 because they might not ever be born now."

His Oneness: "However. We solved the problem in a much more efficient way by saving your lives so the war doesn't start. Now whether those generals are born or not is completely irrelevant because by removing you two the Time war will not begin at all."

His Oneness: "Here's my question to you. Would you rather let us gather the information between 2080 and 2100 with you so you don't have to die in some other crappy situation like you already had to face?"

Captain Forward: "Let me consult with Lieutenant Back over night so we and think about this more."

His Oneness: "I would have advised this anyway. So, this is good."


Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back had adjoining rooms in Shambala and so they conferred.

Captain Forward said, "Hey, Freddy. What do you think about what he said?"

(Freddy is Lieutenant Back's nickname given by Captain Forward.)

Lieutenant Back said: "You know I don't like being called that! At least call me Fred if you are going to use a first name."

Captain Forward: "Okay Fred. What do you think?

Fred the lieutenant said,"Well. As long as we are there with them while we are gathering this information we need to see first hand how the human race ends if that's the case."

Captain Forward thought about this for a moment and said, " Do you know why they are doing this?"

Fred said, "Yes. Because they don't want us to die and have to rescue us again."

Captain Forward: " How will we explain this to our superior officers in the UN and in the U.S. and in the Air Force?"

Fred: " Here's the thing. These guys work for the Galactic Government. They are used to dealing with things that would ONLY boggle our minds. Let's ask them what to say to the UN, the U.S. and the Air Force, (After all we are both going to be friends for at least another 75 years time!"

Captain Forward laughed at this because he probably was right!

Captain Forward: "Fred, You are a genius. That's why I asked for you to protect my back on this mission. Everyone is going to underestimate you but I never will!"

The next morning (or whenever they woke up) in their connecting bedrooms they were asked to join Arcane and His Oneness for breakfast and they did.

"Good Morning Gentlemen!" said His Oneness.

Arcane and His Oneness were already there waiting for them at the large table and they sat all in the same seats as before.

Arcane usually goes home in his Green Sphere to Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii to spend the nights with his wife, Celeste and any other family that might  be there for example if his children are visiting from around the world. So, he had recently returned for breakfast with the three others.

His Oneness: "Well. Gentlemen. What do you think?

Captain Forward: "This is what we would like if this works for you both. First, we accept your help because I think we are smart enough to know that if we didn't accept this help that we might die gathering the information that we need and all would be lost. At least for us."

"So, what we would like is for you two to travel with us showing us what we need to know. But, actually, the single most important thing we need is to know how to share this with the United Nations, The U.S. Government and the Air Force so we and our families survive all this."

Captain Forward: "Another question if I may?"

His Oneness: "of course."

Captain Forward: "How and why does the human race go extinct?"

His Oneness: "Do you want the short or the long answer?"

Captain Forward: "Maybe the short answer would be best."

His Oneness:

"Well. The short answer might be that humans just kept making humans until so many species went extinct that weren't humans to where Pandemics arose in the remaining species and infected humans to the point where none could survive."

"So, basically, Humans by overpopulating the world committed suicide."

"However, there is another view (which I don't subscribe to but this is what many people believed in the last 20 years of this century or thereabouts) which was that someone genetically engineered a pandemic that was specific to humans which caused all humans who got it to die rather quickly and eventually over time it spread to everyone who was alive one way or another. However, I personally don't believe it was genetically designed and so I believe that Mother Earth simply said to human beings: "If you can't control your human population's birth rates then you don't get to live on planet earth at all!"

Captain Forward: "That was the short answer? I'm not sure I want to hear the long answer."

His Oneness: "You will hear the long answer too as we 4 watch every human on earth die over 10 to 20 years time which is even worse to watch because of Global Climate change."

Arcane: "Why don't we just watch the last 10,000 people die all over the earth? I think by then most of them just starve to death because there are no farmers left anyway on this particular time line.

Lieutenant Back: "Well isn't that wonderful?"

Captain Forward laughed because he got the dark humor of Lieutenant Back. Americans are known for their gallows humor which is why they often survive difficult times both in war and in peace.

His Oneness and Arcane smiled but did not laugh because they had already seen most people die by watching the time pool already on this particular time line that they hoped to change.

Arcane said something interesting at this point.

"You two gentlemen know that cities and the earth itself has been blown up many times already on your timeline from Nuclear weapons don't you? And others using your time ships retroactively corrected those problems too? I had to help many with PTSD so severe from watching earth be blown up that I had to completely erase their minds for them to even be able to talk once again."

Captain Forward: "We all have heard stories but we weren't sure how much to actually believe."

Arcane: "Believe me most of what you heard was likely true. Because I saw it all and so did His Oneness here. So, we approach this in a different way than most other people who know the truth."

Captain Forward: "That's quite a load to carry!"

Arcane: "Yes. But it goes with the territory. However, we have methods that allow us to cleanse ourselves because His Oneness is a Time Lord and I'm a Galactic Saint. So, we know how to cleanse ourselves and our minds and emotions so it doesn't drive us insane or kill us."

"Here is the way we deal with it. If the problem gets corrected it never happened because no one is suffering the consequences right now anymore. So, if the problem isn't known about now then it never happened because there is no one here that still remembers it. It's the memory of the problem that festers and kills and drives insane. So, once a problem is corrected no one remembers it having happened and so it never happened (as far as we are concerned).

Captain Forward:"I'll have to think about that some to make full sense of what you are saying."

Lieutenant Back: "I Agree. That really deserves some thought because it sounds like a way to survive things so that you mostly decide that it was a movie or something and you decide that once it's been handled that it never happened.

Arcane: "If you notice that Veterans of Wars often don't want to talk about what happened to them and to others. If they dredge it up it could be the end of them right there in front of you and they know it."

So, often it's just better not to talk about some things so you can survive them short term and long term.

Captain Forward: "Yes. I can see how you would be very valuable to people who saw really awful things, Arcane."

His Oneness: "You fellows are going to be okay because you are in good hands and we will help you think up the right thing to say to everyone in 1992. Remember you are time Astronauts returning from a different world. And most people in 1992 won't be allowed to know what you are. But those who do know will have never have seen what you have seen (unless you take movies back with you when you go back to 1992.

Captain Forward: "Would it be useful to take movies?"

His Oneness: "They won't change time without movies of the last people dying on earth from a pandemic and from starvation. They need to hear the last words of these people even if it is all babble from starvation at that point."

Note: I found myself waking up at around 4 am this morning knowing I had to write more about this. Then I wrote: 

which I realized is both disturbing and true. I hadn't put all those ideas together in a synthesis like this before and found it extremely disturbing to write about it even though I realize fully it is completely true and also the fundamental problem the human race faces worldwide at this present moment in time on earth. And if this problem isn't solved then human extinction will be inevitable eventually, even if we avoid it this century it will still haunt us in the next. end note.

Captain Forward: "Why does the human race go extinct on this timeline? What is the basis of this extinction?"

His Oneness looked deep into Captain Forward and into Lieutenant Back like a grandfather looks into his grandchildren to see if they are ready for what he has to tell them or not.

Then he said, "The problem as I see it is about not being realistic enough to deal with the actual problems at hand at every point as a society as a culture or cultures and as world civilizations. What I mean by this is one or a billion or 8 billion can focus on specific things that might feed themselves and their children and keep most of them alive to 80 or 100 years of age. But, this doesn't solve the problems they are refusing to face which are bigger problems like the question: 'Will the human race survive if all the other species are dead?'

So, unless people also ask the really hard questions as a group and face those problems all life (at least human life) on earth ends.

Captain Forward: "So, you are saying that by not facing the real problems people went extinct?"

His Oneness: "Yes"

Captain Forward: "So, how did this manifest?"

His Oneness: "Desperation created extreme polarization politically worldwide and when this happened problems could no longer be solved by governments on earth because not enough people could agree on anything in order to make governments even moderately functional anymore. And when Governments ceased to function the world order began to decompose and people became regional and local and many regions ceased to be able to take care of their peoples as a direct result."

Captain Forward: But what caused the desperation?"

His Oneness: "Overpopulation caused the desperation and the reaction to overpopulation was desperation which manifested in polarization which created dysfunctional governments which created local and regional problems which created more species extinctions which eventually caused the extinction of the human race here on earth."

Captain Forward: "When did you notice this to begin?"

His Oneness: "I think I would have to say that the 2000 election in the U.S. began this problem which first manifested as what happened on 9-11 2001. When Gore had to allow Bush to become president the level of unfairness in this upset people and then this manifested in 9-11 which caused many other problems like the 6 trillion dollars spent in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. This then created "The Great Recession" which stole the wealth of the middle class which pissed the middle class off like nothing at all since the Great Depression. Then the rage of the middle Class that had had 75% of it's real wealth stolen from it by the banks of the world voted in Trump to get revenge on the world. But, doing this was like slitting their own throats because Trump made it 100 times worse and then the Coronavirus starting wiping out middle class and poorer Trump voters who believed in him."

Captain Forward: "I don't know about any of that because I'm from 1992."

His Oneness: "Of course you are. Please forgive me because I get too deep into analyzing problems as the Time Lord of Earth and trying to keep at least some of the people of the earth not nuked out of existence or going extinct through world pandemics."

Captain Forward: "It must be very hard on you to have to deal with all this and to watch so many die even if you correct time so you can sort of "Pretend all that suffering didn't really happen."

His Oneness: "You don't really know even the half of it. But, Thanks for the kindness of trying to understand my position. We originally moved here to Shambala when space weather was going to kill most people on earth. However, after this happened we recolonized earth from here. However, we decided to keep Shambala because no one ever dies that lives here. We decided to have this a Time Lord sort of heaven realm where peace would always exist and wars and space weather would never touch us here sort of the same as the heaven realms."

Captain Forward: "So is this a heaven or not?"

His Oneness: "It's more like a heaven than it is not. What I mean by this is we have time to make the decisions that the people of earth (who are always in some sort of crisis) can not. And we can do this because no one dies here unless they decide to go live on earth once again and then eventually they will die."

Captain Forward: "How long have you been here as Time Lord of Earth?"

His Oneness: "I have to be vague about this for a variety of reasons. But, I can tell you I have been here at least 50,000 years and no longer than 100,000 or 200,000 years."

Captain Forward: "Doesn't it wear on you to be alive so long?"

His Oneness: "I was trained by the Galactic Sentience to cope with the idea of never dying. It's a type of training that most humans never get. But, in order to never die you have to see things in a completely different way than mortal humans do."

Captain Forward: "So you are prepared to never die?"

His Oneness: "Yes"

Captain Forward: "I'm completely amazed by that!"

His Oneness: "I was amazed by this my first 100 years too. After that I got used to the idea and just accepted it. What else was I going to do?"

Captain Forward: "So is it a good thing that you might have been alive for up to 200,000 years so far?"

His Oneness: "It's a good thing for earth because it's still here and hasn't blown up like Maldek did and stayed blown up like it did as the asteroid belt. It's a good thing that souls have a place to be born on to learn things here on earth. It's a good thing that some people are happy with their lives even though many people on earth are miserable. I feel like my life has not been in vain in helping maintain a platform of evolution for God's Souls on behalf of the Galactic government and the leader of that government, The Galactic Sentience."

Captain Forward: "That's maybe the most intense thing anyone has ever shared with me in my entire life!"

His Oneness: "Thank you for trying to understand what my life is like. It's an honor to share all this with all of you here!"

Captain Forward: "I'm honored to meet you and to share this experience too."

Lieutenant Back: "Me Too."

His Oneness: "I want to thank you Lieutenant Back for being so respectful and letting Captain Forward and I do most of the talking here."

Lieutenant Back: "I"m more of a thinker and less of a talker anyway, Your Oneness!"

His Oneness: "Anyway I wish to thank you for being respectful of the situation we are all in right now. It is difficult for all of us each in our own way to carry this load."

Lieutenant Back: "Yes. I agree. And thank you for recognizing me as a part of all this. I appreciate that. I will remember these days the rest of my life and share with mankind eventually what I'm allowed to after I'm retired from the Air Force."

His Oneness: "I look forward to reading your books and Vlogs."

Lieutenant Back: "What's a Vlog?"

His Oneness smiled and said, "You'll Find out."

Note: A Vlog as of 2020 is a Video Log instead of a written Blog like bloggers make like intuitivefred888.  Remember this is an Air Force officer from 1992. Just remember if you are reading this in 2020 Lieutenant Back is now 53 years old because he is about 25 when this incident is taking place in his life. end note.

Arcane said, "I was trying to think of how we could do all this with the least damage to your psyches gentlemen. Just because His Oneness and I have seen a lot of horrific things and that we categorize them sort of as movies we have watched that to us might seem fictitious doesn't mean that all of this doesn't have some kind of long term effects on us either.

"So, engineering how we approach all this can minimize the damage short and long term it does to us to experience all these people dying that we are about to."

His Oneness: "Thanks for being our resident therapist regarding all the PTSD stuff we must now all face, Arcane."

Arcane: "That's not only my job but also my privilege to help you all and myself in any way that I can."

Captain Forward: "We didn't know if we would survive this journey at all but I have confidence now that not only will we survive but we will live very long and useful lives too.

Arcane: "Yes, You both will live very eventful and full lives and this is just the beginning of your lives. There are many important phases to come as well."

Arcane: "Here's an idea and I would like any feedback that you three have regarding this. My idea is to travel forward in time now from 2080 which you were in but now here we are in "no time no space and in a different dimension than earth is in but our location is near earth like all heaven realms or interfaced with earth like many heavens are sometimes during mass exits from human bodies during wars and pandemics and major earthquakes and tsunamis and such."

My idea is that we get into my green sphere which is capable of going to any time or space (the four of us). Then we can take videos through the walls of the Green Sphere I travel time and space in. It will accommodate and oxygenate us for periods of 4 to 8 hours at a time and take us to any time or location with us being invisible to those around us so no harm can come to us from anyone or anything we see except the harm that seeing what we see does to us. In this way we will not be exposed to the fatal virus that arrives around the mid 2080s upon earth and I believe on this particular version of the 2nd timeline everyone dies by around 2095 or thereabouts. I'm thinking we should visit the last 10,000 or so to die in the U.S. because this will have a profound video effect upon the U.S. government as well as everywhere else on earth. If you wish we can also visit some or all places on earth and watch the last few thousand people die of the virus or starvation because there is no food because all the farmers died long before.

Here is what happens because I'm from 3000 AD so I know what happens already. First the virus appears much like the virus of 2020 which you gentlemen haven't seen yet because you are from 1992. Then people in big cities start dying, then all the doctors and nurses die so hospitals close. Then all the farmers of the world die so no one is growing food except in their home victory gardens. Then infrastructures collapse and running water through pipes ends and then central home heating stops worldwide because there is no natural gas or electricity from power lines anymore (which is one reason to have your own water well and solar panels and a back up diesel or Gas generator by the way).

So, the people we would be studying have already seen all doctors and nurses die, all hospitals close, all power lines shut down, all natural gas pipelines stop working, all planes stop flying, all gasoline stop being manufactured, all processed food and meats no longer processed, So, basically civilization has ended for all intents and purposes about 5 years before these people are also dying. So, the people are generally speaking more wealthy and more remote living near streams or rivers in more remote or mountainous areas or places where they can grow their own food more easily. But, eventually either the virus or starvation kills them too."

Captain Forward: "Sounds pretty Grim!"

Arcane: "You don't know the half of it yet. When humans know they are all going extinct it becomes a totally different thing. No children will survive to reproduce. There is no one to teach anything to because you all are going to die. There is no future and the past no longer matters to remember it because you will die to along with all your children and friends. It's over!

Arcane: "Are you gentlemen ready to face this in the first burst? Or when should we begin this?"

His Oneness: "The mission is yours really Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back. You tell us what you want and need from us."

Captain Forward: "I think your ideas are good, Arcane but I think we need to psychologically prepare for what we are going to face the first 4 to 8 hours or however long we are going to be studying all this in the relative safety of your Time Space Green Sphere."

Arcane: "Yes. Psychological preparation is important because neither of you will ever be the same after witnessing this up close and personal. It is a little like dying I have to warn you."

Captain Forward: "We likely haven't been trained as well as you to for this but our training will have to do for now."

Lieutenant Back: "Again I want to thank you both because this way we won't get infected by the virus or die trying to retrieve this information on videos about the last of mankind to die between about the mid 2080s and the mid 2090s."

Note: I have written a lot more since I wrote the next section but I feel I should leave it to help you all through what I have written above. It's important to take a healing attitude about all this. We all are here to find ways to save the human race from extinction according to our abilities. end note.

Note from the Author: Though I'm probably not through writing this I didn't want to leave some of you hanging out to dry but basically I'm finished writing for the night. So, here is something from 2009 that I wrote that might lift your spirits some. The part where it says "May all beings attain Bliss and the cause of bliss" and after this is a Buddhist prayer I first learned about in the 1970s and 1980s. by 1983 when I met my first Tibetan Buddhist teacher here in the U.S. I found myself doing this in my mind all the time. I found it helps me to experience all beings in the past, present and future experiencing full bliss and enlightenment throughout the Universe. By experiencing this we all make this happen in the past, present and future throughout the entire universe. By God's Grace

The following is from December 15th 2009 here at intuitivefred888.


May All Beings Attain Bliss

I see all prayer as a tool just like a car, a shovel, a computer, or a hammer and nails to use to accomplish a worthy goal. Understanding this way of thinking the following will make ultimate sense to you.

I realized that the first prayer I give when I wake up most morning is the prayer that is given to invoke permanent bliss for all beings in the universe, and what it means to me and how ultimately practical this prayer is.

First of all, words are POWER. What you invoke with words you bring into your life and consciousness for good or ill. Understanding this is a form of ultimate wisdom and is the key to your ultimate success or failure as a soul whether you are in a body or not.

So, when I discovered this prayer when I was about 33 years old I could analyze it from a lifetime of my parents teaching me about the full power of words and prayers and I could look at it both from wisdom, compassion and scientific design of my future and the future of all beings in the universe.

First let me give you the full prayer and then I will break it down into what it all means to me.

May all beings attain bliss and the cause of bliss
May all beings be free from suffering and the cause of suffering
May all beings never be without the supreme bliss that is free from all
near or far all grasping and aversion

If you are an aspiring Bodhisattva after giving this prayer three times you seal it with:

BY this merit may I become like all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the Ten directions and the three times---

I have found this particular prayer more useful and powerful in helping all beings in the universe in the past, the present and the future than any other single prayer I have found that is usefully given and empowered by millions and millions of beings every day.

So, now let me share what this prayer actually means to me:

May all beings attain bliss and the cause of bliss

What this means is that by saying this you are having compassion on all beings no matter what they have done and that as souls you wish for them to have bliss even if there actions and thoughts are so heinous that God will give them the second death, the death of their soul. Still, you advocate Bliss and hope for them. By doing this you also forgive yourself for all the very bad things you may have done in any lifetime past, present or future. This heals not only all beings by saying, feeling or thinking this, it heals you in the past, present and future of your soul. If you are evolved enough in consciousness to realize you already are everywhere in the past, present or future then you can actually experience the healing of souls everywhere in the past, present and future as you give this prayer each time. The feeling of peace and the ending of suffering is complete soul Bliss.

May All beings be free from Suffering and the cause of Suffering

In this you pray for the suffering of all kinds to cease through right perception of all life forms in the universe. For you know, as a soul that the primary cause of suffering is always perceptual and not physical. For the physical always follows the perceptual. So, by understanding the true nature of the universe all suffering begins to permanently cease right then.

Many teachers say, "Everyone is already enlightened all they have to do is to realize it!" It is as simple as removing the perceptual veil. Experience enlightenment. It is yours. Take it. Be it!

May all beings never be without the Supreme Bliss that is free from all near and far all grasping and aversion.

If you feel in any way that you do not have what you want it will bring you suffering. If you feel you are not with your beloved it will bring you suffering. If you are experiencing something you don't want it will bring you suffering. By realizing every moment you are actually with your beloved it takes away the sting. Suffering is therefore wrong perception of reality. By perceiving the reality that you want as ever present one takes away all suffering.

So, that does not mean one is unrealistic. NO. One still sees the world as it is. However, one also understands that all health, happiness, and enlightenment is perceptual at the same time. By realizing this more and more one's suffering diminishes every day one practices compassionate right mindful thought.

Since the reality is that there is only really one being in the universe of which all beings are like the brightly shining facets of this one diamond it can be very easy to experience oneself as the whole diamond as well as the brightly shining facet of the diamond as well because both things are always true.

The following is for more experienced prayers:

By this merit may I become like all the Buddhas and Bodhisatvas of the ten directions and the three times.

The ten directions is a way to navigate space whether as a soul or in a space traveling vehicle like a space ship or a UFO.

The three times are the Past, Present, and the Future.

The Buddhas and the Bodhisatvas are beings like Guatama Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, and all the Saints of all religions. So when you seal the prayer you are asking to be just like Jesus, Krishna and all the Buddhas of the ten directions and the three times everywhere throughout the universe in all times and spaces.

When one first experiences the whole universe and all time and space as oneself it is a pretty heady experience so always be ready to be just a facet of the diamond as well because both are always true in every moment, past, present and future.

By God's Grace

Here is Chapter 3: The Next Morning

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