Saturday, March 27, 2021

The biggest risk to humanity is the fact that this coronavirus mutates so fast now

It has been observed that the most dangerous new variants are often in out of the way places. When there is a lot of people (hosts for the virus) it doesn't tend to mutate that much. But, the fewer the hosts in any one area (THE MORE IT TENDS TO MUTATE) for some reason.

So, the worst variants (most deadly) tend to come out of places that are remote and away from bigger cities worldwide.

This is a problem because the places these most deadly variants are coming from aren't where universities with research facilities are in the first place worldwide but often hundreds of miles from these research facilities so there is less likelihood that they would even be noticed by scientists because of this. So, they get to a dominant place in that community before they get to a dominant place in cities later worldwide.

And any one of these variants could become much more lethal than anything we have seen so far for any or all ages of peoples on earth. And this isn't stopping but becoming a worse problem every single day now worldwide. 

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