Thursday, March 25, 2021

Why Am I convinced what I presently believe is True?

I was very lucky in that I was taught to separate all potential facts into Hypotheses, Theories and Laws which is the scientific method. By categorizing all potential facts that might be true into hypotheses, theories and laws I find it is much easier to come to logical conclusions.

It's sort of like when police detectives put pictures and facts up on a board and then tie everything together with strings to see who the culprit is. You are also sort of doing this same thing when you categorize all things including spiritual and religious things into these categories of what might be true.

I find I don't really discard any potential facts in the beginning simply because outlandish things often turn out to be true even though no one might believe them initially.

For example, who among you or even me would have believed what Covid-19 has caused (in the number of deaths or maimings of people of all ages worldwide so far?

The actual deaths likely worldwide likely are at least 8 times more than what any country says even ours or more by the way. In some 3rd world nations like Brazil for example, the real deaths might be 50 times what they are saying if you count in the indigenous tribal people not exposed much to technology or formal educations.

The point being: "Truth is almost always much stranger than Fiction".

This I have always found to be true in life. Just look at your own lives. Could you have predicted anything really that actually happened in your lives beforehand? I couldn't have predicted much of anything in my life except that God likely was going to save my life hundreds or thousands of times which he has already to get me here to 73 years of age. Otherwise I would have already died thousands of times in my life already. One of the best things for me is having angels who tell me when I think I might be dying and I ask them: "Am I dying this time?" And so far they always say:"No. This is just temporary. You will recover soon." And absolutely every time they turn out to be right. So, not panicking ever when I get sick is one reason I'm still alive because they tell me whatever I need to know beforehand when I ask them.

So, living with angels will give you the longest lifetime possible usually. 

By God's Grace

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