Thursday, October 7, 2021

"And the Rocks Called out my Name"

 I believe this was about 1985 when we moved from Mt. Shasta to the San Francisco Bay area. I had lived off and on there since 1976 with my first wife and baby until 1978 and left with my son when my first wife and I broke up. Then I met my 2nd wife in Mt. Shasta around 1979 but at that time I thought she was married to someone else but I found out I was wrong so I remarried around 1980. She had two children from her first marriage and I was a single Dad raising my then 5 year old son. So, we got married in 1980. We bought land in 1980 and I built an A-Frame house for us that could shed 7 to 10 feet of snow when we were there or not. An A-Frame is the least likely house to collapse from too much snow. The City of Mt. Shasta Got 12 feet of snow at one time in the Winter of 1992 by the way and roofs started to collapse if they didn't somehow get the snow off their roofs then. Some people carried snow blowers up onto their roofs to blow the snow off which worked if the roofs were strong enough to carry that extra load of a person and the gasoline powered snow blower, otherwise you would make your roof leak or fall through the roof and ceiling of your home into your attic or a room in your house.

But, after home schooling on independent study our 3 children at our remote house (about 10 miles from the nearest store or gas station in the forest there) my oldest step son said, "I want to go back to school. I've had enough of distant learning." So, we decided we would buy another business and move back to the San FRancisco Bay area.

However, this is not what my then wife and I wanted personally but only were doing what was best for our kids instead. So, we were not happy having to buy another business because it was much more expensive to live in the San Francisco Bay area than in Mt. Shasta at that time. So, in order to do this we would have to work more and some times we also employed our children in our businesses too when necessary. 

About this time I drove south towards Big Sur one day alone on a retreat and I sat looking longingly at the idea of jumping off a cliff into the ocean there. Then the rocks started to speak to me which was interesting at the time. I didn't quite know what to make of it.

So, when I went to sweat with Charlie Thom a Native American Medicine man who lived into the 2000s who was a Karuk Medicine man from Happy Camp, I asked him about the Rock People talking to me.

He said, "My people have invited the Rock people into our sweat lodges for thousands of years. It's not surprising that the Rock people are talking to you because you have become a part of the Native American Medicine path."

After a Sweat I got out of the sweat lodge and jumped into the snow melt river nearby and this is what the rock people said to me:

Since I copied this from my Poems page at

Here it is a little clearer to read:

Rock People

We are your bones

The Water your Blood

Your breath the Sky

"We are your bones
The water your blood
Your breath the sky.

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