Wednesday, October 6, 2021

I returned to the SF Bay area when the temperatures dropped around 30 degrees

It got down to around 34 degrees in Mt. Shasta and where I was staying there is no central heating system. So, after building two fires in the wood stove in the 2nd floor Music Studio that I was staying in I decided that returning to the GREATER SF Bay area was the best choice for now. I had wanted to go to Portland and visit my son and his family but my wife was worried that Covid is still pretty bad up there so didn't really want me to stay in a hotel there or anywhere else now simply because I have had my booster shot but she got her flu and pneumococal shots instead. So, she didn't want me to accidentally bring back something to her from Portland and as a good husband I accepted her demand. But, that also meant I didn't get to see my son and his family this trip. But, we did travel together all over Califronia for 3 weeks at the beginning of August 2021 too. So, we did see them in August. She plans to get her booster shot a month after her flu and pneumococal shots instead. So, she is doing the opposite of me.

Anyway, I got down here to the greater SF Bay area in time for sunset and got our dog out and took her to the beach to see the amazing sunset tonight just under the clouds of the storm passing by us here on the Northern California coast. The storm reached from Mt. Shasta north into Portland and likely Seattle too all the way down to the Bay area and maybe south of this too. So, the only way I saw the sun today was the silver sun traveling south through the clouds. It also rained on us driving for about 5 to 10 minutes to where i had to put the windshield wipers on too in my 4 wheel drive truck.

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